Agenda item

23/00616/FUL - Phased demolition and construction of replacement school, including new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), landscaping and associated works. Waseley Hills High School, School Road, Rubery, Worcestershire, B45 9EL. Tilbury Douglas Construction Ltd


Officers presented the report and in doing so highlighted that the application was for the phased demolition and construction of replacement school buildings, including a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), landscaping and associated works for Waseley Hills High School, School Road, Rubery, Worcestershire, B45 9EL.


Officers presented the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 73 to 91 of the main agenda pack.


The location was situated entirely within the Greenbelt, however, as the development was a phased construction and the final design had all buildings situated within the current footprint of the school, Officers considered the development within the Greenbelt to be acceptable.


Officers further informed Members that the phased construction plan, was detailed on page 86 of the main agenda pack. It was further highlighted that the school proposed to remain open throughout the entire development and that the phasing of the development would enable this.


No objections were raised by WCC Highways and following further consultations and amendments, as detailed on page 4 of the Committee Update report, the initial objection from the Arboricultural Officer had been withdrawn, as they were now satisfied with the overall landscaping and planting scheme proposed.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. T. Hallett, the planning agent, was invited to speak in support of the application.


The Committee then considered the application, which Officers had recommended be granted.


Members discussed the details of Condition 9 which required that the developers submitted details of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Members had expressed the opinion that in the interest of public safety, all construction traffic should not be active during school pickup/drop-off times. Additionally, Members requested that construction vehicles only travelled southwards and not north through the housing estate. Officers agreed to request additional information detailing lorry routes to be included in the CEMP.


Members further questioned the travel plan, as detailed under Condition 8. In that it stated that the policy should be in place within 12 months of occupation. However, the application was a phased development and was currently occupied. Karen Hanchett, WCC Highways clarified that the wording was a standard format for that sort of condition, but accepted that in this instance it was unsuitable, it was further agreed to amend the wording of the condition with Officers.


With regard to the travel plan, Members expressed the opinion that it was not ambitious enough and would like an increased target of a 10% reduction in vehicular traffic by the parents of students, it was noted that it was not possible to enforce how parents transported their children. However, Officers agreed to amend the condition to reflect a more ambitious target for BDC.


On being put to the vote, it was


RESOVED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the:


a)    Conditions, as outlined on page 65-72 of the main agenda pack, subject to the revisions, as detailed on page 5 of the Committee Update report; and


b)    Further revisions to Conditions 8 and 9 as detailed in the pre-amble above.



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