Agenda item

Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan


The Deputy Chief Executive presented the report in respect of the Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan and took the opportunity to thank all Members and Officers involved in the process. The following was also highlighted for Members’ attention:


·       The LGA carried out a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) as a result of a recommendation at the Full Council meeting held on 7th December 2022. The CPC had been undertaken in March 2023 and was a considered a good opportunity to make any necessary improvements, following the issuing of the Section 24 Notice by the Council’s auditors in October 2022. It was noted that this was not an inspection and any recommendations provided as a result of the CPC were given in the capacity as a critical friend to the Council.

·       Although the CPC was initiated as a result of the recommendation agreed at the Council meeting held in December 2022, a separate Task Group had also been established to carry out a root and branch investigation, looking into the issuing of the Section 24 Notice. Therefore, the CPC had focussed specifically on the Corporate Governance within the Council.

·       Five high-level themes were adopted for all LGA CPCs, and these provided the initial framework. The themes were as follows:


o   Local priorities and Outcomes.

o   Organisational and Place Leadership.

o   Governance and Culture.

o   Financial Planning and Management.

o   Capacity for Improvement.


·       The composition of the CPC team comprised of colleagues from other District Councils and Advisors from the LGA.

·       There had been 55 meetings across both Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils during the four day review and both Members and Officers had been involved in the meetings. At the end of the initial on-site activity there was a feedback session which took place on 10th March 2023 where Members of the Executive (Redditch), Cabinet (Bromsgrove), Group Leaders, Corporate Management Team were invited to attend and presented with the findings of the CPC.

·       There were six recommendations as a result of the CPC, and the Corporate Management Team (CMT) had provided a response in the form of a Council Action Plan for each Recommendation. Members were asked to look particularly at Recommendation 2 - The organisation should consider a governance review to improve decision-making and Recommendation 6 - Use engagement, shared values, and improved processes to create a positive democratic culture. These were considered significant in light of the current review being undertaken looking at the future governance model for the Council. The remaining recommendations were highlighted as follows:


o   Recommendation 1 - The Council needed to review its strategic priorities and realign resources accordingly.

o   Recommendation 3 – Embed the 2022-2026 Workforce Strategy and develop an action plan which needed to be implemented at pace.

o   Recommendation 4 – Agile working principles and policies needed to be implemented consistently.

o   Recommendation 5 - Ensure the Section 24 Notice and Interim Annual Audit Report recommendations were fully implemented.


Following the presentation of the report, the Leader invited the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board to comment on the report, having considered it at the Board meeting held on 6th June 2023. It was raised that some comments had been made during the Board’s consideration of the report which included the slippages experienced within the Capital Programme and the lack of capacity at a Senior Officer level.


Some Members noted that Bromsgrove District Council was in a different position since the report was published as a result of the Local Elections held in May 2023 and that much of the requirements included had already been met.


One area that was still to be addressed was the role of Cross Party Champions and it was agreed that this would be considered at the next Group Leaders Meeting.




1)    the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) Feedback report which took place in March 2023 be noted.


2)    the Council’s response and supporting action plans be endorsed.

Supporting documents: