Agenda item

Former Market Hall Site Proposal - pre-scrutiny


The Leader of the Council was invited to introduce the report on the Former Market Hall Site Proposal. She restated that Bromsgrove District Council had been awarded £14.5m of Levelling Up Funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Almost £11m of this funding was allocated to the redevelopment of the Former Market Hall Site. In respect of allocation of funding, it was clarified that Levelling Up Funding could not be allocated to any other projects due to the strict funding criteria.


It was reported that public consultation was currently underway in Bromsgrove regarding the Community Hub proposal along with proposals for a high quality office building at the Former Market Hall site. The consultation was open for comments online on the Council’s website until 21st March 2023. Face-to-face consultation events were also held at BirdBox and Bromsgrove Library, on 4th and 6th March 2023 respectively, where there was opportunity to see the designs, share views, and talk to the architects and Officers working on the project. Members were informed that further consultation was due to take place on Monday 21st March 2023 with members of the Youth Hub regarding use of the pavilion on the site.


It was highlighted that alongside the landmark office space, a rooftop bar and a high quality restaurant were also included in the design. These businesses, plus the additional coffee shops, were designed to provide diversity and choice for visitors to Bromsgrove Town Centre. It was also noted that demand for premium office space in Bromsgrove had recently been evidenced in a report published by GJS Dillon regarding the Worcestershire Commercial Property Market. The Community Hub.


Officers highlighted that although the original deadline for the completion of funded projects was extended by central government for all projects from March 2024 to March 2025, these remained very restrictive timescales within which to deliver the redevelopment of the Former Market Hall site.


(During the consideration of this item, Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to move to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed which related to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)).


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