Agenda item

Former Market Hall Site Proposal


The Leader, in her capacity as Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Regeneration and Strategic Partnerships, introduced the Former Market Hall Site Proposal report and in doing so reminded Members that Bromsgrove District Council had been awarded £14.5m of Levelling Up Funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DHLUC).


It was reported that the funding had been awarded to carry out clean up works at the Windsor Street site which included the old fire station. In addition to this, works would also include the preparation of the land for a future planning application.


Cabinet was informed that a sizeable proportion of the funding was also allocated to the redevelopment of the Former Market Hall Site. It was reported to Members that a consultation was currently underway in Bromsgrove regarding the Community Hub proposal along with proposals for a high quality office building at the Former Market Hall site.


The Leader advised that the sites outlined above had been identified as brownfield sites and had been awaiting re-development for several years. In respect of allocation of funding, it was clarified that the Levelling Up Funding could not be allocated to any other projects due to the strict funding criteria.


Information regarding the Community Hub was provided for Members’ information. It was outlined that it was an opportunity for groups of all ages to meet and develop a network of connectivity. Through this network it was hoped that it would provide a catalyst to increase the vibrancy of the Town Centre.  This, it was hoped, would encourage wider investment in Bromsgrove and increase footfall in the Town Centre.


The Cabinet was advised that a report had recently been published by GJS Dillon regarding the Worcestershire Commercial Property Market. This publication had highlighted the demand for premium office space in Bromsgrove.


Following the presentation of the report, the Head of North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration (NWEDR) provided further information regarding the consultation being undertaken. He reported that there had been good feedback provided from local businesses. A number of comments had been received regarding the design of the building with some residents favouring the contemporary design. However, there had been some comments that it had been hoped that the building would be of a more traditional style. Members were informed that further consultation was due to take place on Monday 21st March 2023 with members of the Youth Hub regarding use of the pavilion on the site. It was agreed that this was a positive step in the use of the pavilion in the future.


Cabinet was informed that alongside the landmark office space, a rooftop bar and a high quality restaurant were also included in the design. These businesses, plus the additional coffee shops, would provide diversity and choice for visitors to Bromsgrove Town Centre.


The Leader invited Councillor Hotham to comment on the report, in his role as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, which had pre-scrutinised the report at a recent meeting. He highlighted that during consideration of this item, Board Members had been broadly supportive of the design. However, some concerns had been raised in respect of the monitoring of the Risk Register and ensuring the project was completed on time and within the proposed budget. Councillor Hotham stated that the Board would continue to receive quarterly updates on the project.


The Head of NWEDR confirmed that there was robust monitoring being carried out in respect of the Risk Register and a large contingency had been placed in the budget, given the uncertainty around inflation and the cost of building materials at the current time. The Interim Section 151 Officer reported that he was satisfied with the financial elements of the proposals.


RESOLVED to endorse the proposed scheme for the redevelopment of the former Market Hall site.



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