Agenda item

Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence in respect of KMCH Ventures Ltd, 160 New Road, Rubery, Worcestershire, B45 9JA



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Hearing and asked all parties present to provide a brief introduction.


The Technical Officer (Licensing), Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) presented his report and in doing so drew Members attention to the application and supporting documentation found at Appendix 1 and 2 respectively (pages 13 to 42 of the Agenda Reports pack). Representation had initially been received from West Mercia Police, however, this had been withdrawn following discussions with the applicant; with specific conditions agreed as detailed on pages 5 to 7 of the Supplementary Documentation pack.


The Technical Officer (Licencing) also highlighted that representations had been received from ‘Other Persons’, these were detailed at Appendix 4 (pages 45 to 52 of the Agenda Reports pack).


There were no questions put to the Technical Officer from any of the parties to the proceedings.


At the invitation of the Chairman, the applicants Mr McCloskey and Mr Headland, directors of KMCH Ventures Ltd addressed the Sub-Committee.


Mr McCloskey detailed to Members his experience in the industry and their business plan. The premises would be a small community venue that would specialise in selling craft beer and cocktails.  The maximum venue capacity would be around 40 people who would all be seated with table service being provided, there would be no bar area as such or any standing provision on the premises.


Due to the price point of the craft beer and cocktails, Mr McCoskey stated that he would not expect the venue to be frequented by younger people seeking a drinking venue, the expected clientele would be slightly older professionals who wanted a relaxed atmosphere. This should address some of the concerns raised in objection to the application regarding Anti-Social Behaviour due to the excessive consumption of alcohol.


Another key area of concern from objectors was the noise from the premises. Mr McCoskey detailed that encouraging conversation between patrons would be a key objective for the establishment. To facilitate this there would only be low level background music (below 52 Decibels) and if there were live performances it would be unamplified (Acoustic only) to ensure that there would be no disruption to conversation or nearby residents. 


Finally, Mr McCloskey stated that the venue would welcome the local community and he believed that there was local support for this type of venue which would bring some variety to the area.


Members then asked for clarification in regard to the opening hours, the applicant responded that the hours requested were intended as a ‘buffer zone’ to ensure the premises operated legally, the venue had not intended to regularly utilise the full hours proposed, but may do during very busy periods such as New Year’s Eve.


Members then asked how numbers would be managed for such a small venue, the applicant replied that patrons would be welcomed at the door and seated so they would be informed at that point whether there was sufficient available seating. The applicant further explained that there would be appropriate signage asking patrons to be respectful to residents when leaving the premises and employees would assist patrons with ordering taxis or escorts home (staff numbers permitting). The applicants hope to have an open dialogue with local residents, who would be provided with their telephone numbers so that any concerns could be addressed before any problems arose.


At the invitation of the Chairman to sum up, Mr McCloskey addressed the Sub-Committee.

In summing up, Mr McCloskey stated that the venue would be for the local community and that they were committed to developing the area. Members heard the intention to employ local residents, two of which were seated in the public gallery, who would be trained and developed in order to assist them in their future aspirations.


At the invitation of the Chairman, the Council’s Legal Advisor addressed the Sub-Committee.

Members were advised that they were to make a determination on the licensable activities, as detailed on page 10 of the Agenda Reports pack.  Members were further reminded of the additional proposed conditions, as requested by West Mercia Police, and agreed by the applicants, as detailed on pages 5 to 7 of the Supplementary Documentation pack.


At this stage in the Hearing, the meeting stood adjourned from 11:08 hours until 11:15 hours in order for Members to consider if they had received all of the information required to make their decision.


Having had regard to:


  • The licensing objectives set out in the Licensing Act 2003.
  • The Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy.
  • The guidance issued under section 182 of the Act.
  • The Report presented by the Technical Officer, Licensing, Worcestershire Regulatory Services.
  • The application and oral representations made at the Hearing by Mr Kevin McCloskey and Mr Callum Headland, directors of KMCH Ventures Ltd.
  • The written representations in objection to the application.


The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application for a premises licence relating to KMCH Ventures Ltd, 160 New Road, Rubery, Worcestershire B45 9JA with the additional conditions as agreed with West Mercia Police and included within the Supplementary Documentation pack.


Supporting documents: