Agenda item

Homelessness Prevention Grant 2023/24


The Housing Strategy and Enabling Manager presented the Homelessness Prevention Grant 2023/24 report for Members’ consideration.


The Council had been awarded a Homelessness Prevention Grant 2023/24 by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUCH) totalling £165,612. It was highlighted that the DLUCH funding had been ringfenced in order to provide schemes to prevent homelessness and to enforce the Homelessness Reduction Act. The funding would also be used to reduce the numbers of families in temporary accommodation and eliminate the use of unsuitable Bed & Breakfast accommodation for families for longer that the statutory six week limit. In addition to the DLUCH funding, Members were advised that a budget of £112,000 had been allocated for the 2023/24 Homelessness Grant. Furthermore, as a result of an underspend in the previous year’s funding allocation, additional funding of £40k was available. Therefore, the total grant available was £317,612. Members were reminded that the Council had a statutory duty under the Housing Act 1996 (as amended) to assist those who were threatened with homelessness or experiencing homelessness.


The report outlined a number of local schemes that Officers proposed should receive funding for 2023/24. These included schemes working with young people, the provision of new furniture for ex-offenders, volunteering opportunities and targeted debt intervention. It was reported that these schemes assisted the most vulnerable members of the community. The total proposed expenditure for the allocation of grant funding was £306,307. Officers explained that this was less than the total allocation of funding, however clarified that the underspend of £11,305 was to be held in reserve in order to cover any anticipated additional Bed & Breakfast costs for the coming year.


In terms of risk, Members were advised that should these proposals not be agreed it could result in increased Bed & Breakfast costs, increased rough sleeping and have a significant physical and mental health for those who were threatened with or experiencing homelessness.


Following the presentation of the report Members noted that this was an important report and highlighted the increased need for affordable housing within the District in order to prevent further homelessness and rough sleeping.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Health and Well Being thanked the Officers for their report and noted that that their passion in carrying out work in respect of the prevention of homelessness was very much appreciated.


RESOLVED that the following initiatives receive allocation funding for 2023/24


Grant Allocation



(up to)

Housing Agency Agreement Top Up


Young Persons Pathway Worker – support to prevent homelessness for under 25’s


Worcestershire Strategic Housing Partnership Co-ordinator – contribution towards county-wide development and delivery of housing initiatives in partnership with other agencies  


Single Person and Childless Couples Homelessness Prevention Service



St Basils Crash Pad – provide a unit of emergency accommodation to young homeless people 


NewStarts - Provide Furniture and Volunteering Opportunities for Ex-Offenders – supports tenancy sustainment and provides future employment opportunities/reduces risk of reoffending


GreenSquare Accord Housing Related Support – helping ex-offenders remain housed/seek employment


St Basils Foyer – provides stable accommodation/support for young people - 14 units – fully occupied during last financial year


CCP- outreach and prevention service targeting rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping.


North Worcestershire Basement Project - Support for young people at risk of homelessness


Step Up – Private Tenancy Scheme


Sunrise Project intensive support (2 year project agreed 2021)


Citizens Advice – Targeted Debt Intervention


Total committed expenditure



2.       That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Community and Housing Services following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Health and Well Being to use any unallocated Grant during the year or make further adjustments as necessary to ensure full utilisation of the Grants for 2023/24 in support of existing or new schemes.

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