Agenda item

22/00978/FUL - New dwelling on the site of a previously approved dwelling (ref 21/00312/FUL) using a previously approved access drive - 32 Lickey Square, Lickey, Birmingham,
Worcestershire, B45 8HB - Mr. D. Jones



The application was brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor J. E. King, Ward Councillor.


Officers presented their report and in doing so drew Members attention to pages 31 to 48 of the Public Reports Pack.


The application was for 32 Lickey Square, Lickey, B45 8HB and sought approval for a new dwelling on the site of a previously approved dwelling (ref 21/00312/FUL) using a previously approved access drive.


Officers drew Members attention to page 35 of the Public Reports Pack, comparing the previously approved and proposed applications. Officers informed the Committee of the differences between the plans in that the proposed building had a reduced footprint due to the removal of some aspects of the design which included the chimney and flat roofed orangery.


The application sought a mixture of two and three storey sections with the front north facing side being two storey and the southern facing side three storey. The overall height remained the same as the previously approved building and the change was possible due to the sloped topography of the land.


Officers also drew Members attention to page 45 of the Public Reports Pack which detailed the cross-sectional differences between the two applications.


Finally, Officers informed Members that the Council could not currently demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. The presumption in favour of sustainable development applied in accordance with Paragraph 11(d) of the Framework and therefore significant weight was attributed to the positive contribution the proposal would make towards addressing this current significant shortfall.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Dr Peter Ollis (a nearby resident), Dr. Bakul Kumar (representing Lickey and Blackwell Parish Council) and Councillor Janet King (Ward Councillor) spoke in objection to the application.


Members then considered the application, which Officers had recommended that planning permission be granted.


Members asked the Officer in attendance from Worcester County Council (WCC), Highways to clarify the public speaking comments made with concerns regarding the visibility splays being inadequate. Officers responded that the visibility splays had been approved during the previous application and had been agreed by the planning inspectorate and were deemed acceptable.


Members sought further clarification if there were any differences in the lounge level between the two applications, Officers drew Members attention to the images on pages 47 and 48 of the Public Reports Pack which detailed very little variation in the height of the lounge level.


After questions from Members, Officers detailed that there was an increase in the number of windows on the property on the southern side from 5 windows to 9 windows. Officers also clarified that the rear of the property faced the garden of number 16 The Badgers and was, therefore, not directly overlooking any windows.


Members found no reason to object to the application which had an identical height and a lesser footprint compared to the approved application and commented on the application making good use of the basement level.


Members were therefore minded to approve the application and on being put to the vote it was.


RESOLVEDthat Planning Permission be granted, subject to the Conditions as detailed on pages 27 to 30 of the Public Reports Pack.


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