Agenda item

Bromsgrove Centres Strategy


The Bromsgrove Centres Manager presented the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy for Members’ consideration.


Members were informed that the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy covered a three-year period for Bromsgrove High Street and the seven outlying centres within Bromsgrove District.


Cabinet was advised that the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy was a high-level document that outlined the work to be undertaken in order to make all Bromsgrove Centres more attractive to businesses, shoppers, workers, residents and visitors. It was hoped that this would result in a varied and eclectic mix of outlets and venues.


In addition to this it was also reported to Members that the purpose of the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy was to understand the baseline performance of the Centres and to identify any opportunities for change. This included the following:


·       Outlining a vision for the Centres that was supported by key objectives.

·       Identifying the priorities for improvement and regeneration in the Centres in line with the key objectives.

·       Developing an action plan that outlined the priorities needed and the mechanisms for delivery.


Cabinet was informed that the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy focussed on the key themes which were linked to specific outputs. These key themes were outlined as follows:


1.     Accessibility

2.     Safety and Security

3.     Marketing and Promotion 

4.     Markets

5.     Business Support 

6.     Public Realm

7.     Historic Environment

8.     Future


Members were advised that the outputs listed under these key themes were not exhaustive and may change as dialogue progressed with Ward Members, Parish Councils and Community Groups.


Furthermore, it was reported to Members that a detailed Action Plan sat alongside the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy and that performance indicators were included within this Action Plan. Members were advised that the Action Plan would be presented to Members annually in order to monitor progress and review for the following year. The Bromsgrove Centres Manager reported that the review of the Action Plan would help to support the vibrancy of the Centres and that communication with the both the Portfolio Holder, Members and eternal stakeholders remained key throughout the process in order to enable businesses to thrive.


Members were advised as part of the presentation that the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy would complement and support the work of the Parish Councils, Business and Trader Associations and other key stakeholders in each of the Centres with a focus on developing shared ambitions and actions.


Following the presentation, Members stated that they were excited with the new Bromsgrove Centres Strategy and that it would be a catalyst to reinvigorate Bromsgrove High Street and the seven outlying Centres within the District.


During consideration of this item, there was some discussion with regard to potentially including the smaller Centres in order to ensure that event clashes across the District were not experienced. Members were informed that Officers were currently working on establishing an Events Calendar for the District in order to avoid any potential event clashes and that this would also be a useful tool in highlighting the vibrancy of Bromsgrove District.


RESOLVED that the Bromsgrove Centres Strategy & Action Plan 2023-2026 as attached at Appendix 1 be approved.

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