Agenda item

22/00803/FUL -Amendments to previously approved dwelling house (21/01086/FUL) including an attached garage, a rear orangery, internal alterations including the creation of a 2nd floor and changes to the front and rear fenestration - The Keepers, 6A St Catherine’s Road, Blackwell, Worcestershire, B60 1BN - Mr. A. Keay


Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, which referred to the appeal for this Application (APP/P1805/W/22/3290354) which was allowed on 7th November 2022; and that following the publication of the Planning Committee agenda on 25th November 2022, one further comment was received as follows:-


“This comment relates to the level of illumination from the central void windows of the dwelling in the front elevation and indicates that this has had a detrimental impact on the residents residing at 6 St. Catherine's Road”.


Copies of the Committee Update were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Officers further clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor J. E. King, Ward Councillor.


Officers presented the report and presentation slides, as detailed on pages 15 to 26 of the main agenda report; and in doing so, highlighted that this was a retrospective planning application for amendments to the previously approved dwelling house (Planning Application 21/01086/FUL), and included an attached garage, a rear orangery, internal alterations, including the creation of a 2nd floor and changes to the front and rear fenestration.


The application related to a dwelling to the rear of 6 St. Catherine's Road, located on the eastern side of the road in the residential area of Blackwell. The plot of land historically formed part of the garden at number 6 but was subdivided some years ago. An existing access road runs along the northern boundary of number 6 to serve the application site. The site was bound to the north by the rear garden of number 8 and to the south by the rear gardens of numbers 4 and, in part, 4a. To the east was a field understood to be in the ownership of number 10, and to the west was the rear garden of number 6. An area Tree Preservation Order ((26) 2003) covered the site. Most of the plot was enclosed by a high concrete wall. The dwelling had now been completed and was occupied.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the residential amenity issues, as detailed on page 11 of the main agenda report, and in doing so highlighted that; objections had been received in respect of overlooking, overbearing, loss of light, and outlook. It was noted that objections regarding the loss of amenity had been raised throughout the application. Ultimately, the applicant’s approach to building the dwelling through retrospective planning applications had not assisted in reducing residents’ concerns regarding this matter.


Officers further highlighted the background information, as detailed on pages 9 and 10 of the main agenda report; with particular reference to the disputed condition regarding the permitted development rights being removed and the comments made by the Planning Inspector in their assessment.


Following reassessment officers were now satisfied that the previous reason for refusal could not be substantiated. The dwelling as built was acceptable in character and appearance and was not out of scale when compared to other dwellings. The application should therefore be approved.


At the invitation of the Chairman, the Council’s Legal Advisor read out a written speech on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. N. Suggett, in objection to the application.  Councillor J. E. King, Ward Councillor, also addressed the Committee in objection to the application.


Members then considered the application, which officers had recommended that planning permission be granted.


Members referred to the comments received from the Planning Inspectorate, as detailed on page 10 of the main agenda report, in relation to character and appearance, the Inspector had indicated that


“The enlargement of the property, through the erection of extensions and outbuildings allowed by permitted development rights would not give rise to an overly large development in relation to the plot or harm the character and appearance of the area through loss of openness”.


Officers responded to a question from Members with regard to drainage and in doing so referred the Committee to Condition 3, as detailed on page 13 of the main agenda report.


In response to further questions from the Committee and in order to clarity queries with regard to the gable end, officers referred to the Dwelling Layout, Comparison Plans and both Approved Scheme presentation slides.


With regard to questions from Members about site visits, officers confirmed that they had visited the site with Enforcement officers, Worcestershire Regulatory Services; and that the evidence received from the agent on site levels was correct.


Members commented that whilst they sympathised with residents and the comments made by the Ward Councillor; they also had to be mindful of the comments received from the Planning Inspectorate.


Members were therefore minded to approve the application and on being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted, subject to the Conditions as detailed on pages 12 and 13 of the main agenda report.

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