Agenda item

To receive and consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.




The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services presented an annual report which outlined the work that had been undertaken under his remit as portfolio holderover the preceding 12 months.


Council was informed that the report covered three main areas; Planning, Enforcement and Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS). It was reported that due to the unprecedented circumstances during Covid-19 there had been an increase in reports and challenges experienced in previous years.


After the report had been presented, Members discussed the following points in detail:


·       How the area of work contained within the report was assessed by the Portfolio Holder and the residents of Bromsgrove. It was reported that WRS had performed well throughout the municipal year. The effectiveness of Enforcement over the year was highlighted and it was confirmed that there had been an increase in the numbers of queries and complaints made during the Covid-19 lockdown in this area. Members were informed that this was being managed and that WRS were now overseeing Enforcement and as a result the numbers of queries were reducing. In respect of Planning, it was confirmed that the numbers were considered sound and stable. There was further discussion regarding whether the area of Planning was as effective as reported, particularly in respect of major applications and appeal processes.

·       The Bromsgrove District Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) and the information regarding the housing needs of the District. Members queried, whether, in light of the recent announcement by Central Government regarding the flexibility of the housing targets and the use of brownfield sites would this mean that the HEDNA would be revisited to incorporate any changes. The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services confirmed that this may be the case, however as the announcement was made very recently this would need to be looked at once the consultation period for Central Government had been carried out which would not be completed prior to the end of 2022.

·       The number of homes that had been provided for refugees from the Ukraine and Afghanistan. The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services undertook to contact the relevant officers and circulate the information as requested.

·       The standards of Food Safety within the District and whether the information contained within the report was accurate. There was some discussion regarding specific locations within the District,and it was highlighted that it was not appropriate to consider specific Planning and Licensing matters at this meeting and confirmed that Officers would contact the relevant Members to discuss the matter further. 

·       The number of houses in developments that needed to be social housing and the extent to which sufficient numbers of social houses were being built in the District. The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services informed Council that this could be considered as part of the Local Plan and Members could be involved in this as part of the Strategic Planning Strategic Group (SPSG) meetings.

·       The Enforcement data contained within the report was queried by some Members and clarification was requested on the number of injunctions noted within the report. In addition to this, there was a discussion regarding the decisions made by the Court to overrule the Council’s Planning Committee decisions and any subsequent appeals. It was confirmed that, in this instance, and as there was some confusion regarding the specific Planning application being referred to, it would be more appropriate to further the discussions at the SPSG.

·       The robustness of the Climate Change agenda for the Council including environmental growth and rehabilitation.

·       The Air Quality Management and the positive impact the Council was having in this area particularly as a result of the funding that had been agreed by Cabinet regarding new Air Quality monitoring equipment.

·       The Blue Bird Confectionery Development including the numberof affordable housing units included within the development. It was confirmed that, as had happened on many developments of brownfields sites, a large amount of clean-up work would be needed prior to the development of the site. This would inevitably have an impact on the number of affordable homes allocated on that site.

·       The duty to cooperate with local Councils in respect of the development of Green Belt land surrounding the District.

·       The status of the difficult contamination work being undertaken by the Environment Agency (EA) in respect of the Windsor Street Fire Station site. It was thought by some Members that this issue had already been resolved and that a tender process was already underway. It was confirmed that the works were on target and that this was being monitored at Levelling Up Board meetings.

·       The information regarding the emergency prohibition order in respect of a hidden room at a business within the District. It was confirmed that as this was likely to be a confidential matter, information could not be provided at this public meeting.

·       The cost effectiveness of using WRS Enforcement Officers rather than looking to employing enforcement officers within the Council. It was confirmed by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regulatory Services that this was being looked into.  However, at the time of the meeting, no decisions had yet been made. Further queries were made in respect of the recruitment of Planning Officers. Council was informed that the majority of Local Authorities were experiencing difficulties in recruiting to Planning Officer vacancies and that recruitment to these vacant positions was ongoing.


RESOLVED that the report be noted

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