Agenda item

Air Quality Annual Update


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Richard Williams, Principal Officer (Planning & Pollution Control) from Worcestershire Regulatory Services and thanked him for providing the detailed presentation, which had been included within the agenda pack.  Mr. Williams advised that he had taken on board some of the areas which had been discussed at his last update and provided a more detailed overview of the current position.  The presentation covered the following areas:-


·       DEFRA Annual Status Report 2022 –various data had been included in the presentation, which Mr. Williams explained in detail.

·       Actions Update – AQAP improvements and how these were Highways Department/Transport related and how they linked to the Local Transport Plan 4.

·       Legislative Changes – Mr. Williams provided a detailed update in respect of a number of changes to legislation, including changes to Air Quality Duties and Obligations under the Environment Act 2021 and new air quality standards being introduced from October 2022.  Mr. Williams also discussed the broadening of the statutory responsibility for delivering air quality improvements, and the obligation of the County Council to co-operate with the District Council in delivering improvements through joint action plans.

·       Air Quality Standards – Mr. Williams provided a detailed explanation of air quality standards, with particular reference to those impacting on Bromsgrove District.  He also discussed, and provided data, in respect of the concerns that had previously been raised regarding air quality around schools and the impact of short-term exposure to poor air quality.

·       Trends in Monitoring – a detailed update was provided in respect of the progress made into the monitoring equipment and being able to access real time data.  The cost of the equipment was also discussed.

·       Next Steps – Mr. Williams suggested that the Board might wish to think about whether it would consider the use of the new monitoring equipment and its cost effectiveness.


Following the presentation Members made a number of observations, discussed a number of areas in detail and Mr. Williams responded to questions, including the following:


·       The importance of having clean air and the impact of air pollution, not just on people, but the wider impact on other services such as the NHS.

·       NO2 as a pollutant and where it came from and the use of fossil fuels.  Mr. Williams also discussed the use of diesel vehicles and the initial view that these were originally considered to be less harmful.

·       The impact from other countries and the importance of such things as the weather forecast being accurate in predicting problems such as the sand in the atmosphere which has occurred on a number of occasions recently.

·       Mr. Williams provided more detail around the new technology being used in monitoring and the ability to download real time data through an app on a phone.  This was provided by DEFRA and very much reliant on the specific areas having the monitoring in place.  Currently there were none of the new Electro Chemical Devices being used for monitoring in the County.  It was suggested that this might be something the Board would want to consider putting forwards as a recommendation.

·       Members discussed the need for enhanced monitoring and the positive impact that real time data could have on the District.

·       The discharge from a local chimney was highlighted, together with the use of extractor fans from food outlets and Mr. Williams provided information on these areas and particles created by the burning of fossil fuels.  He also confirmed that biomass systems were regulated by the Clean Air Act 1993.

·       Mr. Williams had made reference to the Office for Environmental Protection being located at Worcestershire County Hall and Members asked whether this relocation had taken place and how many staff were involved.  Mr. Williams said he was unaware of the detail, but that there was a new website available for this newly created team.

·       The collection of data and how it was used was discussed and the overall impact across the County.  Mr. Williams confirmed that there had been an overall improvement of 11% in Worcestershire.

·       Mr. Williams provided background information in respect of previous funding which had been available at Worcestershire County Council level, this had not been applied for as there had been a need for match funding. 

·       Minimal investment had been made in areas where an Air Quality Management Area had been declared previously.  It was also confirmed that an enhanced bid for Worcester City, as part of the Public Transport Funds had unfortunately not been successful.

·       Members asked what could be done for those areas with higher levels of poor air quality and Mr. Williams explained that the use of the new Electro Chemical monitoring devices, would be most useful in these areas as there was the ability to gather real time data and to move these around to appropriate areas.  The data could then be used to feedback to the relevant authorities in order to support either funding or relevant work needing to be carried out.


Members discussed the importance of monitoring and the benefits of real time data, although it was accepted that there was a cost implication, and it was agreed that a recommendation should be made to Cabinet in respect of the information received at this meeting.




Cabinet invites Richard Williams, Principal Officer (Planning & Pollution Control), Worcestershire Regulatory Services, to a meeting to present information on Electro Chemical Devices, which provide real time information on air pollution.  With a view to Cabinet looking at the cost implications, advantages, and viability of installing an Electro Chemical Device in a pilot scheme in the district to assess the advantages of using such equipment.



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