Agenda item

22/00116/FUL - Demolition of no's. 163 & 165 Birmingham Road and construction of eight detached dwellings.163 - 165 Birmingham Road, land to the rear of 151 and 157 Birmingham Road and 73 All Saints Road, Bromsgrove - William & Jane and S. Thorn and Campbell


Officers reported that following the submission of further information with regard to drainage, from North Worcestershire Water Management (NWWM) that Condition 10, as detailed on page 83 of the main agenda report could now be deleted; as detailed in the published Committee Update, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Officers presented the report and presentation slides, as detailed on pages 86 to 103 of the main agenda report; and in doing so informed Members that the application sought the demolition of no’s 163 and 165 Birmingham Road and the construction of eight detached dwellings; with land to the rear of 151 and 157b Birmingham Road and 73 All Saints Road, Bromsgrove.


As detailed in the main agenda report, the floor area of the development exceeded 1000 square metres, and therefore, under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation had to be referred to Planning Committee for determination.


Members’ attention was drawn to the ‘Relevant Planning History,’ as detailed on page 75 of the main agenda report.


The application sought planning permission to demolish the two existing dwellings and to erect eight detached dwellings. This would result in a net increase of 6 dwellings. The application also sought to substitute house types for previously approved plots 3, 4 and 7 and a revised garage for plot 8.


Plots 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 would have five bedrooms. Plots 4 – 6 would each have three bedrooms. The application site included part of the rear curtilages of 151 and 157 Birmingham Road and 73 All Saints Road.


The proposed development would be served by two access points onto Birmingham Road.


Members’ attention was drawn to ‘The Site and its Surroundings’ as detailed on page 75 of the main agenda report.


Officers informed the Committee that the proposed application did not entirely comply with Policy BPD7. However, the Committee had approved both previous applications (20/01565/FUL and 20/004863/FUL); and therefore, officers had considered it unreasonable to refuse this application even though there would be a slight conflict with Policy BPD7.


Officers further stated that following the approval of the two previous applications, it was noted that the Conservation Officer had not sought to provide comments on this proposal.


Officers drew Members’ attention to ‘The Planning Balance and Conclusion,’ as detailed on pages 80 and 81 of the main agenda report.


It was noted that Worcestershire County Council (WCC), Highways, had not raised any objections.

Members then considered the application, which officers had recommended be approved.


Officers responded to questions from the Committee with regard to the exact location of Oakland Grove and the exit onto Birmingham Road.


Officers clarified that the site would be accessed off Birmingham Road via 2no. new vehicular access points. The proposal would be adjacent to Oakland Grove.


In response to questions from the Committee with regard to Highways, the Highways Officer, WCC, informed the Committee that Highways were happy with the 2 new vehicular access points and private drive, it was all appropriate. The Highways Officer further reminded the Committee that as referred to by officers, there was a ‘fall-back’ position with the extant planning permission on this site for eight detached dwellings.


The Highways Officer, WCC, further clarified that the proposed driveway would be a private driveway and would therefore not be adopted by WCC, Highways.


Officers further reiterated that, as detailed in the Committee Update, that Condition 10 would be removed and that the remaining Conditions, as detailed on pages 81 to 84 of the main agenda report, would be renumbered in order to reflect this.


RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted, with the removal of Condition 10, and as detailed on pages 81 to 84 of the main agenda report; subject to the Conditions being renumbered, as detailed in the preamble above.



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