Agenda item

Motions on Notice

A period of up to one hour is allocated to consider the motions on notice.  This may only be extended with the agreement of the Council.



The Chairman advised that 2 Motions on Notice had been received for consideration at the meeting.


Levelling Up Funding in Bromsgrove


Council considered the following Motion on Notice that was submitted by Councillor S. Robinson:


“Keep Bromsgrove’s levelling up funding in Bromsgrove


Council calls on the Leader of Bromsgrove District Council to lobby Worcestershire County Council to reinvest the proceeds from the sale of the Bromsgrove Library site into improvements for Bromsgrove High Street.”


The Motion was proposed by Councillor S. Robinson and seconded by Councillor R. Hunter.


In proposing the Motion, Councillor Robinson commented that she welcomed the funding that had been received from the Government for High Street improvement works as well as the work that had already been undertaken by Bromsgrove District Council and Worcestershire County Council in respect of High Street improvements. The purpose of the Motion was to ensure that funding that had been received by Worcestershire County Council for the sale of the former library site, was reinvested in Bromsgrove town centre.  The High Street was a significant hub in Bromsgrove town centre, where businesses were based and events took place.  There was a need to ensure that the appearance of the High Street was presented well.  Councillor Robinson expressed the view that unfortunately there were some issues with the appearance of the High Street, for example, the tarmac on the road was in a poor condition, following work by utilities companies and, although work was being undertaken to address this situation, more could be done to improve the urban environment.


In seconding the Motion, Councillor Hunter commented that the Motion did not propose that the money from the sale of the former library site should be taken from Worcestershire County Council.  Instead, the Motion was calling for Bromsgrove District Council to ask Worcestershire County Council to invest the income from the sale in Bromsgrove town centre.  Councillor Hunter expressed the view that the urban environment, including street furniture, was in need of improvement and that there needed to be an increase in investment in the town centre.  Concerns were also raised about the condition of bus shelters situated in the town centre and the need for these to be improved.


During consideration of this item, an amendment was proposed to the Motion.  This amendment was proposed by Councillor L. Mallet and seconded by Councillor H. Rone-Clarke. 


The wording of the amended Motion was proposed as detailed below:


“Keep Bromsgrove’s levelling up funding in Bromsgrove


Council calls on the Leader of Bromsgrove District Council to lobby Worcestershire County Council to reinvest the proceeds from the sale of the Bromsgrove Library site into improvements for Bromsgrove High Street and the Leader and relevant Portfolio Holder should come to the next Council meeting to speak on the schemes that are planned for the High Street.”


In proposing the amendment, Councillor Mallett commented that in previous years funding had been allocated to works, although he expressed the view that this had not always achieved best value for money. There were opportunities available to use the funding from the sale of the former library site to invest in the town.  To ensure transparency, it would be helpful for Council to be informed about the schemes that did receive investment from this funding.  Lessons needed to be learned from previous regeneration works in Bromsgrove town centre to ensure that the condition of the urban environment and street furniture remained fit for purpose after this investment had occurred.


In seconding the amendment, Councillor Rone-Clarke noted that he represented a ward located in Bromsgrove.  Members were advised that he was frequently contacted by local residents about the condition of the High Street and it was important to ensure that action was taken to address this and that that action was promoted and held to account.  Councillor Rone-Clarke also commented on the potential for a broader package of support to be provided in the future, including the possibility of providing rate relief to small businesses.


Councillor Robinson, as the proposer of the original Motion on Notice, confirmed that she was happy to accept this amendment to the wording of the Motion.


In response to the Motion, the Leader agreed that it was important for Worcestershire County Council to invest in Bromsgrove High Street, town centre and District as a whole.  However, the Leader commented that the proposal detailed in the Motion would be difficult to achieve.  Money received from the land transactions would, in accordance with due process, need to be received by Worcestershire County Council.  How this funding was subsequently spent would be determined by Worcestershire County Council.    The receipt from the former library site was part of a bigger picture in terms of opportunities for the County Council to invest in the District.  As part of this process, £14.5 million Levelling Up funding had already been secured for investment in the regeneration of Bromsgrove town centre.


Members were asked to note that 90 per cent of small business on the High Street in Bromsgrove were already in receipt of business rates relief.  The new Town Centres Manager had been undertaking work in Bromsgrove town centre to try to improve the urban environment, including through investment in lighting.  Members were also asked to note that any utilities company that undertook works that impacted on urban design had up to 6 months to address this through remediation works.


Bromsgrove District Council had already received alternative funding, which would be used to help with the regeneration of Bromsgrove town centre, including Levelling Up funding.  There was also £2.6 million of funding that had been allocated to Bromsgrove in the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  


Reference was made during the debate to the condition of the bus shelters situated in the town centre.  Members were asked to notify the Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services and Community Safety of any specific bus shelters that were in a poor condition.  Council was also asked to note that there was already a programme in place for maintenance of bus shelters.


On being put to the vote the Motion was lost.


An Annual Summer Celebration


Council considered the following Motion on Notice that was submitted by Councillor J. King:


“An annual summer celebration


Council expresses its gratitude to everyone who contributed to the celebrations of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in communities right across the district. Council extends a particular thank you to the Bromsgrove branch of the Royal British Legion and all the organisations involved in the excellent town centre event on the Sunday of the Jubilee Weekend. Such events bring communities together and promote local businesses, providing considerable social and economic benefits. Council calls on officers to explore the potential for creating an annual outdoor town centre event of this scale to complement the fantastic programme of activity put on as part of the Bromsgrove Festival, thereby ensuring the benefits continue to be realised year after year.”


The Motion was proposed by Councillor King and seconded by Councillor Hunter.


In proposing the Motion, Councillor King thanked all the residents, businesses and VCS organisations, particularly the Royal British Legion, for their hard work organising the recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations.  There had been a number of events in the District which had brought the community together.  The Bromsgrove Festival provided a useful opportunity to celebrate Bromsgrove but more could be done to build on this event.  An annual event would help to attract more visitors to the District and would have a positive impact on community spirit.  The Council could also work closely with partner organisations to deliver an annual event celebrating Bromsgrove.


In seconding the Motion, Councillor Hunter commented that the action proposed in the Motion would support ongoing work in respect of the preparation of the Council’s new Leisure Strategy.  The Motion requested that the Council should explore having an annual celebration, which would not necessarily commit the authority to taking this action.


During consideration of this Motion, an amendment was proposed to the Motion.  The wording of this amended Motion was as follows:


“An annual summer celebration


Council expresses its gratitude to everyone who contributed to the celebrations of HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in communities right across the district. Council extends a particular thank you to the Bromsgrove branch of the Royal British Legion and all the organisations involved in the excellent town centre event on the Sunday of the Jubilee Weekend. Such events bring communities together and promote local businesses, providing considerable social and economic benefits. Council calls on officers to explore the potential for creating an annual outdoor town centre event, within our town and outside town centres, of this scale to complement the fantastic programme of activity put on as part of the Bromsgrove Festival, thereby ensuring the benefits continue to be realised year after year.”


The amendment was proposed by Councillor Rone-Clarke and seconded by Councillor Mallett.


In introducing the amendment, Councillor Rone-Clarke commented that, whilst there would not be a jubilee every year, an annual event celebrating Bromsgrove could take place.  This would provide an opportunity to attract visitors to Bromsgrove High Street and for people to access services provided by local restaurants and craftspeople. As part of this process, it would be helpful to ensure that residents living in parts of the District located outside the town of Bromsgrove could be included in the festivities.


Councillor King, as the proposer of the original Motion on Notice, confirmed that she was happy to accept this amendment to the wording of the Motion.


Members discussed the Motion in detail and commented on the need for residents living in areas of the District outside Bromsgrove town centre, particularly in rural locations, to be provided with access to events in the town.  Reference was made to the jubilee festivities and the benefits arising from these recent celebrations, including in the ways in which this had brought people together from different generations.


In responding to the Motion, the Leader thanked Councillor King and other Members for their comments of appreciation about all that had been done to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  The Leader agreed that the Council should extend a particular thank you to the Bromsgrove Branch of the Royal British Legion and all other organisations involved in making the Jubilee celebrations a success. 


Members were asked to note that the Leisure Strategy was in the process of being prepared and this would explore how events could be organised and managed across the District.  In this context, it was considered inappropriate to pre-empt the outcomes of the work on this strategy, although it was likely that the strategy would bring forward proposals regarding events in the District.  In the meantime, the Leader agreed that events were a great way of bringing communities together and this could be by inviting communities to organise events as well as by attendance only.  Bromsgrove District was large, and it was worthwhile having events, be they large or small, in a range of venues so that the various and quality landscapes and historic buildings could be enjoyed by as many people as possible. 


Reference was made to the progress that had been made with the development of the Leisure Strategy.  Members were advised that the strategy was due to be presented for the Cabinet’s consideration in autumn 2022.  Prior to this date, Members would be consulted about the appropriate content.


On being put to the vote the Motion was lost.



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