Agenda item

19/00615/OUT - Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved, apart from details in relation to access, layout and scale for the partial demolition of the building and former walled garden on site and the conversion of the remaining pub building into 12no. apartments alongside the erection of 38no. dwellings, children’s play areas, landscaping and circulation space (amended description), Foxlydiate Hotel, Birchfield Road, Redditch - Whitbread PLC


Officers referred to the Committee Update, which Members had been given the opportunity to read and copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Officers presented the report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 62 to 71 of the main agenda report. Officers further drew Members’ attention to the ‘Procedural Note,’ as detailed on page 15 of the main agenda report.


The application site related to 1.9 hectares relatively level site that was occupied by a two-storey building which was last occupied by a Premier Inn and Brewers Fayre with associated parking.


The application which sought to erect 38 dwelling houses and 12 apartments, had been submitted in outline form, but also detailed means of access, layout and scale to be considered. Officers drew Members’ attention to the presentation slide ‘Proposed Site Plan,’ as detailed on page 64 of the main agenda report. Amendments following submission have secured the retention and conversion of the 1930’s portion of the hotel and the remnant walls of the 19th Century walled garden, with demolition of the later modern additions. External appearance and landscaping would be matters for future consideration which would require separate approval before development could commence.


The site fronts Birchfield Road, on the opposite side of Birchfield Road, to the north-east of the site, was a new housing development comprising 29 dwellings. To the north-west was a garage and car dealership and to the south-east a range of residential properties. To the south-west and north-west the land was currently in agricultural use; but formed part of the site which benefitted from a resolution to grant permission for a mixed use development including 2560 dwellings.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 64 to 69 of the main agenda report.


Officers further referred to the ‘Sustainable Communities’ information, as detailed on pages 40 and 41 of the main agenda report.


Members’ attention was again drawn to the Committee Update, as follows: -



The omitted date, on page 17 of the main agenda report, which related to the receipt of the first representation from Bentley Pauncefoot Parish Council was 08/06/2019


Leisure Services

An appropriate contribution for off-site provision (if required) was currently being discussed with leisure colleagues, together with location. Delegated authority to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure was also being sought to resolve that issue.


Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Highways

For clarification, Tudor Grange Academy related to that located at Redditch (Woodrow Drive, Redditch, B98 7UH). The Passenger Transport at WCC had confirmed the advised contribution remained relevant and necessary, based upon the costs of the dedicated schools transport service as a result of the development proposals associated with the application.


North Worcestershire Water Management

No objection subject to conditions.



As per the report from the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure but with additional provision (iv):


That the application be approved, and Outline planning permission be GRANTED subject to DELEGATED AUTHORITY be given to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to:


i)             agree a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism to secure the contributions and requirements set out in the following schedule,

ii)            agree the final scope, detailed wording and numbering of the planning conditions to be imposed as set out in the following summary list,

iii)           to consider the content of any representation received post-committee but prior to issuing of the decision notice (pending completion of the s106 agreement) without reference back to Planning Committee, and

iv)          agree an appropriate contribution and location for off-site open space provision (if required).


At the invitation of the Vice-Chairman, Mr. J. McLeod, Planning Agent, on behalf of the applicant addressed the Committee. Councillor A. Boss, on behalf of Bentley Pauncefoot Parish Council, addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Councillor P. J. Whittaker, Ward Councillor, also addressed the Committee.


Members then considered the application, which officers had recommended that outline planning permission be granted.


In response to the Vice-Chairman, officers clarified that with regard to an Asset of Community Value (ACV), that the regulations listed a number of situations where land or buildings were exempted from inclusion on the list and that this included hotels, therefore it did not meet the criteria as an ACV.


With regard to questions from the Committee in respect of the application site being duly considered for the ongoing viability of the business. The Committee were referred to the recent comments received from North Worcestershire Economic Development, which highlighted that the business had been marketed for over 12 months; as detailed on pages 21, 22 and page 40 of the main agenda report.


In response to questions raised by Members regarding an increase in traffic, the Highways Officer, Worcestershire County Council, stated that the application had been fully assessed for additional trip generation. There would be an increase in trips across the day and at the traditional AM and PM peak hours in the region of 42 two-way trips during each respective peak period. The impact on the local area had also been fully assessed and it was not deemed that there would be an impact on the highway or on highway safety.


Members thanked the public speakers and commented that the area had always been contentious and that the site was not part of the Council’s housing supply.


In response officers clarified that the site formed part of an allocation in the Bromsgrove District Plan to meet Redditch Borough Council’s housing needs.


Some Members commented that it was irrelevant as the site would create much needed housing stock, which was desperately needed.


Members further queried the lack of connectivity between the proposed site and the larger development.


In response the Highways Officer, WCC informed the Committee that there would be a footway and cycle link to the larger site, her understanding was that this had been agreed with the developer.


Officers drew Members’ attention to page 49 of the main agenda report, which detailed the provision of a pedestrian/cycle link with the adjoining development site subject to planning permission(s) 16/0263 and 2016/077. Officers had spoken with the developer of the larger site and had alerted them to the position with regards to these links for continuity across both schemes, and these links would form part of the legal agreement and if there were any issues, officers would review.


Officers responded to questions from Members with regard to open spaces and in doing so, informed the Committee that the existing tree area was also classed as part of the wider open space. The development did not have the capacity for all of the required open space provision on-site, therefore the amended recommendation (iv), as detailed in the Committee Update addressed this, in respect of off-site open space provision. There were three key tests for the imposition of a condition, the condition needed to be proportionate, related and necessary.


The WCC Highways officer responded to further questions with regard to the number of electric charging points being provided, and in doing so stated that the number being provided met with their standard minimum requirements.


Following a brief discission with regard to strategic planning, the apartments being converted sympathetically to the heritage building; and it being commented that people’s habits had changed and that if the public house were still needed it would have been used; it was 


RESOLVED that the application be approved, and Outline planning permission be granted, subject to: -


a)    delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to:


i)             agree a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism to secure the contributions and requirements set out in Schedule (i), as detailed on page 16 of the main agenda report; 


ii)            agree the final scope, detailed wording and numbering of the planning conditions to be imposed, as detailed on pages 49 to 59 of the main agenda report;


iii)           to consider the content of any representation received post-committee but prior to issuing of the decision notice (pending completion of the s106 agreement) without reference back to Planning Committee; and


iv)           agree an appropriate contribution and location for off-site open space provision (if required).


At this stage in the meeting, the Vice-Chairman announced a short comfort break and an opportunity for Committee Members to read the Committee Update for Planning Application 21/01657/FUL – 277 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 0EP.  Officers further continued to resolve the IT issue.


Accordingly, the meeting stood adjourned from 19:11pm to 19:22pm.

Supporting documents: