Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2023/24


The Interim S151 Officer presented the Fees and Charges 2023/24 for Members’ consideration.


In doing so, it was highlighted to Cabinet that Council Tax could only be increased by 1.99% and that Business Rates were set by Government at a national level. In addition to this, which had been highlighted to Members, was the rise in inflation which was likely to have a severe impact on the Council’s finances.


The levels of increase of Fees and Charges had been based on a robust estimate of the impact of cost increases and demand within the services and the Councils overall financial position.  This included assessing the affordability of any of these increases to our residents and customers.


Cabinet was informed that the Council’s proposal was to increase all Fees and Charges by 10%. The 10% had been applied to Contributions and Fees and Charges budgets but not on services where charges were set statutorily, Lifeline, SLA Income, Parking or those services that charged across a number of Councils (WRS).


RECOMMENDED that all of the proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 be approved.


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