Agenda item

21/00684/HYB and 22/00092/DEM - Hybrid application consisting of a full application for the demolition of employment buildings and the conversion of Bordesley Hall into 3 apartments and an outline application (with all matters reserved with the exception of access) for the construction of up to 46 dwellings and all associated works -Bordesley Hall, The Holloway, Alvechurch, Birmingham, Worcestershire B48 7QA - Corbally Group and Mr. Kelly


Officers reported that with regard to Planning Application 21/00684/HYB, Bordesley Hall, The Holloway, two further comments had been received, as follows: -


Councillor A. B.L. English on behalf of Mr. James McManus, Chair of the Rowney Green Residents’ Association had forwarded photographs of The Holloway, which had been sent directly to all Members of the Planning Committee and included on the Council’s website by officers for Public Access.


One further objection letter had also been received and a summary of the comments received were detailed in the published Committee Update, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


As highlighted at the commencement of the meeting, the Committee received a joint presentation for Planning Applications 21/00684/HYB and 22/00092/DEM, Bordesley Hall, The Holloway, Alvechurch, Birmingham, Worcestershire, B48 7QA.    


Officers presented the joint presentation and in doing so explained that: -


Planning Application 21/00684/HYB  

The hybrid application consisted of the demolition of employment buildings and the conversion of Bordesley Hall into 3 apartments and on outline application (with all matters reserved with the exception of access) for the construction of up to 46 dwellings and all associated works.


Planning Application 22/00092/DEM

Prior notification of the proposed demolition of redundant buildings and structures.


Officers further drew Members’ attention to the following presentation slides: -


·         Satellite View

·         Bordesley Hall photographs

·         Existing Buildings

·         Sketch Layout

·         Bordesley Hall Existing Layout


With regard to Planning Application 21/00684/HYB –

Members were referred to Table 1 – Indicative number per housing type, as detailed on page 68 of the main agenda report.


The proposal would involve the demolition of an extensive employment site, which comprised one, two and three storey buildings as well as areas of parking and hardstanding.


The site lay within the Green Belt where there was a presumption against new development save for a number of exceptions as outlined at Paragraphs 149 and 150 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


One of these exceptions, at paragraph 149 g) was “the limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed land, whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings), which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development”; further information was included on page 70 of the main agenda report.


Officers referred to the comments received from Highways – Bromsgrove and their objection to the application on sustainability grounds, as detailed on pages 62, 75 and 76 of the main agenda report.


Officers further drew Members’ attention to Loss of Employment Use and Affordable Housing and Vacant Building Credit, as detailed pages 71 and 72 of the main agenda report.


The applicant had provided substantial evidence in the form of a Statement on Employment Land and Financial Viability Assessment.  Furthermore, evidence had been provided that demonstrated that the neither the refurbishment of the existing buildings for office/industrial uses would be viable at the site, nor would the site’s redevelopment top deliver new build office and industrial uses.


Officers further reported that all of the trees on the site were subject to formal protection under Bromsgrove District Council Tree Preservation Order (3) 2014.  The application was also supported by a Ruskins Tree Consultancy Arboricultural Impact and Tree Condition Survey.


Officers highlighted that Alvechurch Parish Council had raised no objections to the proposal.


Members were informed that in conclusion, the proposed development would not be inappropriate in Green Belt terms, would have a minor benefit in terms of the openness of the Green Belt proposal, would deliver a number of benefits.  The proposal would result in the redevelopment of previously developed land and it was accepted that the existing employment use of the site was no longer feasible.  The Council cannot demonstrate a five year housing land supply and given that the proposal had been found to comply with policy for development within the Green Belt.


Future occupants of the proposal would not have suitable access to local services and facilities and future occupiers would be heavily reliant on a private motor vehicle.  However, this harm was to some degree moderated by the existing employment use of the site that could generate more vehicle trips than the proposal in its own right and the relatively short distance by car to services and facilities.


With regard to Planning Application 22/00092/DEM –


Officers reported that Worcestershire County Council was unable to support the proposed prior notification of proposed demolition, for the reasons as detailed in the Committee Update, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


The application was made under Schedule 2, Part 11, Class B of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (As Amended) and sought confirmation as to whether the prior approval of the local planning authority was required and would be given to demolish the majority of the buildings on the site.  The Hall itself would be retained and did not form part of this application.


Members were informed that prior approval was required and approved for the demolition of the building.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. J. McManus, Chair of the Rowney Green Residents’ Association, addressed the Committee on behalf of the residents of Rowney Gren, in objection to the Application.


Mr. T. Hawkeswood, also addressed the Committee, in objection to the Application.


Mr. R. Bellamy, the Applicant’s Agent addressed the Committee on behalf of the Applicant.


Councillor A. B. L. English, Ward Member also addressed the Committee.


The Committee then considered Planning Application 21/00684/HYB, which officers had recommended be approved.


Some Members commented that they welcomed the development taking some of the burden away from the town centre.  Some Members had visited the site and had found it easily without any issues.


Officers responded to further questions in respect of the existing employment use at the proposed development and the viability of the existing businesses.


Members raised questions with regard to the front garden location, kitchen garden wall, tree preservation and the possible retention of any dead trees.  


Members further commented that, as stated by officers, the current employment use would generate greater traffic with a greater number of vehicles, than the proposed development.  The proposed development was a wonderful housing opportunity and the opportunity to be a really fabulous development.  Whilst the objections from WCC, Highways had been noted, the proposal would see less vehicle use.


In response to queries raised in respect of affordable housing and vacant building credit, the Chairman referred to the information as detailed on page 71 of the main agenda report.


On being put to the vote, it was:-


RESOLVED that with regard to Planning Application 22/00092/DEM, prior approval was required and approved for the demolition of the building subject to the Conditions and reasons as detailed on pages 86 and 87 of the main agenda report.




RESOLVED that with regard to Planning Application 21/00684/HYB Hybrid Planning Permission be granted, subject to:-


a)    authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the planning application following the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to the following matters:


i)             £30,258.89 towards NHS Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust

ii)            £18,607 towards Herefordshire & Worcestershire CCG provision

iii)           £190,182 towards Middle School phase education

iv)           £99,872 towards secondary phase education

v)            £52.24 per dwelling towards the provision of wheelie bins for the development

vi)           A S106 Monitoring fee




(vii)     The provision of the on-site place space and open space provision,

           with associated trigger points for adoption;


b)    authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to agree the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of Conditions, as detailed on pages 80 and 81 of the main agenda report.


At this point in the proceedings the Chairman announced that the meeting be adjourned in order for everyone to take a comfort break.


Accordingly, the meeting stood adjourned at 19:53pm and reconvened at 20:01pm.






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