The Committee considered a report which detailed proposals to confirm, without modification, Tree Preservation Order (No.7) 2021, relating to trees on land at Church View, Bear Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7JX.
The Senior Arboricultural Officer provided a detailed presentation, and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the recommendation, as detailed on page 29 of the main agenda report.
Officers further informed the Committee that the provisional order was raised on 31st March 2021, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. The order was raised following an enquiry made to the Council, requesting to know if T1 Beech tree (of the order) was under any level of formal protection, it was also indicated that consideration had potentially been given to remove this tree.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the objection received from Mr. & Mrs. E. Steed, owners of Church View, Bear Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7JX, as detailed at Appendix 2 to the report; and the officer’s comments in relation to the points raised, as detailed on pages 30 and 31 of the main agenda report.
Officers further drew Members’ attention to the second objection received from Mr. & Mrs. Cooke, 10 School Lane, Alvechurch, B48 7SB, as detailed at Appendix 3 to the report; and the officer’s comments in relation to the points raised, as detailed on page 31 of the main agenda report.
Officers concluded that T1 Beech tree offered quite a bit of amenity value, as detailed on page 31 ‘Amenity Value the tree provides’.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. E. Steed, owner of Church View, Bear Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7JX, addressed the Committee, and in doing so, reiterated that he had no objections to a TPO on T2, Silver Birch. He was objecting to a TPO on T1, Beech.
Officers responded to questions and clarified that the developer had always intended to preserve these trees, having followed guidance issued under British Standards BS5837:2012 recommended Root Protection Area, throughout the development work as detailed on page 31 of the main agenda report.
Officers further confirmed that the trees lay within the curtilage of Church View and that the site was terraced prior to the development. The landscape had not changed after the development was completed. The estimated age of the tree (T1 Beech) was approximately 50/60 years and officers highlighted that the tree could easily reach 150 years.
With regard to T1 Beech, some Members commented that the tree was actually very prominent from St. Lawrence’s Church yard and offered a lot of amenity value; whilst other Members commented that the tree was too large and noted the proximity of the tree to the bungalow, as detailed on page 39 of the main agenda report.
Following further debate an alternative recommendation was proposed and seconded that provisional Tree Preservation Order (7) 2021 trees on land at Church View, Bear Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7JX, be confirmed with modification, that T1 Beech be removed from the provisional TPO.
On being put to the vote, the alternative recommendation was lost.
RESOLVED that provisional Tree Preservation Order (7) 2021 trees on land at Church View, Bear Hill, Alvechurch, B48 7JX, be confirmed without modification as detailed in the provisional order as raised and shown at Appendix 1 to the report.
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