Officers clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor S. Colella, Ward Councillor.
Officers presented the report and in doing so informed the Committee that, the detached three bedroomed property was situated to the northern side of Newfield Road, Hagley, adjoining No. 29’s boundary to the west was the semi-detached 2 storey dwelling No. 27 Newfield Road and to the east, No. 31 Newfield Road.
The property had been extended in the past by means of a largely flat roofed garage extension and a later flat roofed lounge extension together with a loft conversion.
The existing floor plans and elevations, as detailed on pages 188 to 191 of the main agenda report; submitted with the application also showed a glazed conservatory to the rear, although this had been recently removed.
It was proposed, at ground floor level, on the site of a recently removed conservatory to extend the original rear wall of the property out to the rear by 4.54 metres to form a kitchen extension. In order to accommodate the extension, a small flat roofed extension, currently forming part of the existing kitchen area would be demolished.
The extension to the rear would extend out to the furthest part of the existing lounge area, itself, as extended under planning application B/8049/1980. Above this area it was proposed to create an additional bedroom.
Further, it was proposed to erect a first-floor extension to the side of the dwelling over the existing garage in order to create further bedroom accommodation. Within the existing first floor area which existed, bedroom 1 would remain, with the remainder of the space being converted to a dressing areas and ensuite bathroom.
Officers drew Members’ attention to residential amenity and the objections received from No’s 25, 27, 31 and 36 Newlands Road which had been summarised on pages 171 and 172 of the main agenda report.
Officers highlighted that, the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 194 and 915 of the main agenda report, provided diagrams to show the extent of extensions which could be added to the property both to the rear and to the side (as single storey extensions) without the occupier needing to apply for planning permission.
The Councils SPD advised that two storey extension proposals (excluding single storey extension proposals) be assessed against the 45 degree line guidance. The 45 degree line guidance derived from the Building Research Establishment (BRE) guidelines “Site Layout Planning for daylight and sunlight”.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. M. Muir, Mrs A. Scott addressed the Committee in objection to the Application. Mr. C. Rees-Cooke the Applicant and Ms. S. Lawrie his partner and Mr. A. Marston, Planning Agent also addressed the Committee.
The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for approval.
Members commented that the area had different sized and shaped properties, and that the proposal would improve and enhance the street scene.
Officers responded to questions from Members with regards to the 45 degree line (guidance) and reiterated that as detailed in the report the proposal would not harm the residential or visual amenity.
RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the Conditions as detailed on pages 176 and 177 of the main agenda report.
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