Officers clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor C. A. Hotham, Ward Member.
Officers provided a detailed presentation and in doing so further informed the Committee that planning application 18/01593/FUL was considered at Planning Committee on 4th November 2019 for the demolition of the existing bungalow and detached garage and the erection of a two storey 4-bedroom dwelling. The application was approved.
The application proposed the following changes to the approved scheme, a chimney, an increase in the ridge height of the property with the main ridge height being limited to no higher than the forward ridge of 15 Cherry Hill Avenue, 1 window on the rear ground floor elevation changing from a patio to a standard window, 1 flat roof dormer to the rear had been removed and adjusting the front dormers so they were now the same height. These changes were proposed as well as providing information regarding materials and front door joinery details.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the relevant planning history, as detailed on page 67of the main agenda report.
Officers further drew Members’ attention to the proposed and approved ‘Measurements’ slides, as detailed on pages 81 and 82 of the main agenda report.
The proposal was situated within the Barnt Green Conservation Area. There were no conservation objections from the Conservation Officer and no objections from Barnt Green Parish Council.
Officers stated that the proposed changes were considered to comply with Bromsgrove District Plan Policies BDP1, BDP7, BDP19, BDP20, the Bromsgrove High Quality Design SPD and the provisions of the NPPF. Therefore, in conclusion, the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Professor J. Storr addressed the Committee in objection to the Application. Councillor C. Hotham, Ward Member, also addressed the Committee.
The Committee then considered the Application, which officers had recommended for approval.
In response to questions from the Committee with regards to work being undertaken on the site and if the application was for retrospective planning permission, officers informed Members that they had last visited the site in February 2021.
Officers further explained that the whole purpose of this application was to regulate and get authorised planning permission for the proposed changes. The applicant had well progressed with the proposed scheme and the Council had not sought to stop the development whilst the application was being considered; however, it had been explained to the applicant’s agent that any work progressed would be at their own risk.
Members referred to the ‘Approved Front and Rear Elevation Plans’ slide, as detailed on page 85 of the main agenda report. Officers clarified that the height of the original approved application was set slightly below the forward ridge of 15 Cherry Hill Avenue, the scheme as proposed, would increase that height if approved. The proposed application sought an increase in the ridge height from 8.53 metres (as approved previously) to 8.58 metres, which was an increase in ridge height by 50mm.
Members referred to the ‘Measurements’ slide, as detailed on page 81 of the main agenda report and further commented that looking at the new proposed scheme with the ground removed, it appeared to be much bigger and bulkier than the approved scheme.
In response to the concerns raised by objectors and questions from Members with regard to the potential to further develop the roof space at a later stage, officers drew Members’ attention to page 70 main agenda report, which detailed the removal of Permitted Development Rights. Officers also referred to Condition 10, as detailed on page 72 of the main agenda report.
The Council’s Legal Advisor reminded Members that they needed to determine the application as presented and that any future Planning Committee Members would be made aware of the relevant planning history, should any further applications be received for this site.
In response to comments made by Committee Members, the Development Management Manager reiterated that Members were being asked to make a decision on the application before them, and the planning merits of the proposed scheme, as detailed in the officer’s report.
In response to the concerns raised by some Members with regard to the proposed scheme being overbearing, officers referred to the character and appearance, as detailed on page 68 of the main agenda report. Officers commented that the area was characterised by individually designed dwellings and that the increase in ridge height would have little discernible effect on the wider character and appearance of the area. The siting, scale and design of the proposed dwelling was considered to be acceptable.
Officers reiterated that were no objections from the Conservation Officer or Barnt Green Parish Council.
Following the comments and concerns raised by the Committee, the Council’s Legal Advisor explained that however reprehensible Members considered the approach taken by the applicant, she would echo the comments made by the Council’s Development Management Manager, that Members should consider the application before them.
Having considered the officer’s report and clarification from officers on a number of points, it was put to the vote.
The accuracy of the recording of the vote was queried by Councillor P. J. Whittaker.
For the purposes of clarity, the Democratic Services Officer asked Members to clearly state if they were voting for, against or abstaining from the recommendation to grant Planning Permission.
RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted subject to the Conditions as set out on pages 70 to 72 of the main agenda report.
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