Agenda item

Impact of Flooding Task Group - Final Report


Councillor R. Hunter introduced the Impact of Flooding Task Group Final Report for Members’ consideration and expressed that this was an important and interesting investigation particularly in light of Climate Change and the potential of more frequent extreme weather events affecting the District in the future. He thanked officers and Members for their hard-work and was pleased that there had been some bold and ambitious recommendations made as a result of the investigation.


Following presentation of the report Members raised that North Worcestershire Water Management (NWWM) currently promoted themselves effectively on social media and Members should be encouraged to perhaps share their work through their own communication channels. In addition to this it was felt by some Members that having a timetable available on the relevant websites might restrict the schedule of works and make it less flexible in cases where the works could not be carried out due to time, staffing and weather constraints. This was clarified by Councillor M Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services who explained that some staff who would normally work in these areas had been redeployed during the pandemic due to illness. This issue had now been resolved and it was hoped that the service would resume as normal in the very near future. Councillor R. Hunter explained that the recommendation regarding the publication of the gully and road sweeping had been included to provide residents with greater transparency with the hope that this would alleviate concerns by local residents that works were to be carried out on a regular basis.


Councillor J. Till proposed an amendment in respect of Recommendation 5(c) that ‘consider’ be inserted into the recommendation in order to provide more flexibility within the recommendation should the Council not wish to adopt the land in all cases. Councillor R. Hunter expressed that caution needed to be applied in the area of adoption of land however it was felt that the inclusion of ‘subject to S106 funding’ within the recommendation already provided enough of a caveat should the Council not be able to adopt the land.


It was noted by some Members that this was a very complex area and that the management charges and ownership of land in new developments was, in some cases, a cause for concern for local residents.


Another concern from some Members was the extra cost of the employment of two extra officers which was included as a recommendation within the report. However, it was noted that although there would be costs involved it was proposed that a business case be undertaken as part of the recommendation in order to fully understand all costs involved and the potential for recharges to be made if work was undertaken for other Authorities.


After lengthy debate the alternative recommendation was clarified and proposed again by Councillor J. Till as follows:


‘the Council will consider, subject to S106 funding, adopting land featuring watercourses and SuDS features on new developments.’


On being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.




a)    Recommendation 5 (c) be amended to:


‘the Council will consider, subject to S106 funding, adopting land featuring watercourses and SuDS features on new developments.’


b)    that the report and all other recommendations (noting the amendment of 5(c)) detailed within it be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 2nd June 2021.


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