Agenda item

Notice of Motions - Request to Investigate

a)    Notice of Motion - Councillor R. Hunter


b)    Notice of Motion – Councillor P. McDonald




1)    Notice of Motion - Encouraging responsible use of fireworks – Councillor R. Hunter


The Chairman invited Councillor R. Hunter to introduce the item in respect of the Notice of Motion which had been referred from Full Council.


During the presentation, the following was highlighted to Members:


·         That the purpose of the motion was to highlight the distress that the use of fireworks could cause to vulnerable people and animals and practical measures, if any, could be taken by the Council.

·         That this was a complex issue given the powers that were given to a Local Authority in this area. 


There was detailed discussion with Members regarding the legislation that was already in place in respect of the use of fireworks and that it was important to understand what powers if any, could be taken by the Council to make changes in this area. Councillor R. Hunter confirmed that this Motion was not necessarily involved in seeing what could take place within the legislation but more the practical steps that might be made by the Council to mitigate the impact on residents.


Councillor P. Thomas, as Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Cultural Services and Community Safety was invited to comment on the report and in doing so noted to Members that a balance view needed to be taken and that further information from officers might be useful for members in order to make an informed decision.


Councillor R. Hunter proposed recommendation ‘that the request is included on the work programme and the Board undertakes the investigation, discuss broad terms of reference and sets a time scale for completion of the investigation’ this was seconded by Councillor P. McDonald. On being put to the vote this recommendation was lost.


Councillor A. Kriss proposed the following ‘recommendation that further information be requested from a relevant source before deciding whether or not further investigation is required’, this was seconded by Councillor S. Douglas. On being put to the vote this recommendation was carried.


Democratic Services Officers undertook to put the item on the Bord’s Work Programme for future consideration by the Board.


2)    Notice of Motion - Encouraging responsible use of fireworks – Councillor P. McDonald


The Chairman invited Councillor P. McDonald to introduce the item in respect of the Notice of Motion which had been referred from Full Council. It was clarified to Members that investigation into the amount of mileage expenses that had been claimed during previous years and during (Covid-19).


Councillor P. McDonald proposed recommendation that the request is included on the work programme and the Board undertakes the investigation, discuss broad terms of reference and sets a time scale for completion of the investigation’ this was seconded by Councillor R. Hunter.


Councillor A. Kriss proposed the following ‘recommendation that further information be requested from a relevant source before deciding whether or not further investigation is required’, this was seconded by Councillor S. Douglas. On being put to the vote this recommendation was carried.


In respect of Councillor R. Hunter’s Motion:




a)    further information be requested from a relevant source before deciding whether or not further investigation was required.


In respect of Councillor P. McDonald’s Motion:


b)    further information be requested from a relevant source before deciding whether or not further investigation was required.


Supporting documents: