Agenda item

20/00780/FUL - Proposed change of use for two units to B1 and two units to B8 - The Yard At Dusthouse Lane, Finch End Farm, Upper Gambolds Lane, Stoke Pound, Bromsgrove, B60 3HF - Mr. D. Harper


Officers clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor P.J. Whittaker, Ward Councillor.


Officers reported that further comments had been received from Finstall Parish Council in objection to the Application and from a neighbouring resident, as detailed in the published Update Report, copies of which were provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Officers presented the report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the comments received from Worcestershire County Council, (WCC), Highways on page 21 of the main agenda report, with regards to the unsustainable location of the site. 


Officers further explained that in terms of BDP4, that whilst the site was within the Green Belt, the proposal was considered not inappropriate because it fell within the exceptions listed under paragraph 145 of the National Planning Framework 2019; namely that it involved the re-use of buildings, which were of permanent and substantial construction.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. R. Kindon read out a statement on behalf of Mr. D. Bridge and also addressed the Committee on behalf of Bromsgrove Cricket, Hockey and Tennis Club, in objection to the application.


Mr. D. Harper, the Applicant also addressed Committee Members.


The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for refusal.


Councillor P. J. Whittaker stated that, as noted in the report, he had requested that the Application be brought before Planning Committee Members for consideration.


Following discussion and advice from the Council’s Legal Advisor, Councillor P. J. Whittaker continued to address the Committee in his capacity as the Ward Councillor, under the Council’s public speaking rules. 


During the extensive debate, officers clarified the relevant planning history and the revised proposal for four agricultural buildings to mixed B1 and B8 use.  The unit labelled Unit 3 formed part of the application, but the current user of this unit did not.  There had been some confusion over the usage of the unit and the occupier would be subject to a further investigation.


Members highlighted that they had concerns with the reason for refusal as detailed on page 26 of the main agenda report.  Only a small number of people would be arriving at set hours on this tiny industrial unit which would enable a local farmer to stay in business. 


Members further commented that the Primrose Hospice was nearby and that the site was within an acceptable walking distance and on a designated cycle route on the National Cycle Network. 


There were lots of positives about the proposed development and the re-use of existing buildings.


Members were somewhat confused that WCC Highways had not raised any highway concerns, as the route had no public footpaths or lighting.  However, people walked / cycled to access Bromsgrove Cricket, Hockey and Tennis Club. 


In response officers commented that people would, due to the location of the site, feel discouraged from walking along the lane and would therefore generally use a vehicle.  It was the perception of safety with regards to walking / cycling along the road.


Members commented that the buildings were used as a chicken farm and that as an active chicken farm the site would have been accessed by HGV’s which had not caused a problem on the narrow lane, so what would be the difference with the site being used for light industrial use.


Officers reiterated that WCC highways had not raised any highway concerns, they were unable to support the application due to its unsustainable location.


Having considered the Application, which officers had recommended for refusal; Members were of the opinion that the site was sustainable.


Councillor J. E. King proposed an alternative recommendation that Planning Permission be granted.


On being put to the vote, the Committee voted in favour of the alternative recommendation as proposed by Councillor King.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted.


a)            that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning Regeneration to determine the planning application, subject to negotiations with the applicant with regards to the following:-


·         landscaping, planting and ecology measures

·         cycle storage

·         EV charging points

·         hours of operation

·         no outside storage facilities

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