Agenda item

Bromsgrove District Council Car Parks - Capital Works Programme


The Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services and the Environmental Services Manager presented a report in respect of the Capital Works programme for Bromsgrove District Council car parks.  Originally the focus had been on undertaking a review of the Car Parks Strategy and the capital works that needed to be completed in respect of the car parks. The two elements had subsequently been split and the document presented for Cabinet’s consideration was an infrastructure report.  A wider car parking review would be included within the work of the North Worcestershire Economic Development team.


The report addressed both pay and display and pay on foot car parking arrangements.  Officers were proposing a 5-year programme for the maintenance of the car parks. A comprehensive schedule of planned works had been provided in the report which would ensure that all the car parks were maintained at a safe and acceptable standard.  The work that would be undertaken would include replacement of the pay and display machines to enable the introduction of a cashless payment option, introduction of more efficient LED lighting, resurfacing all the car parks, introducing a virtual permit system, installing CCTV in North Bromsgrove Car Park and the inclusion of the infrastructure for future vehicle electrical charging points.  The infrastructure would be introduced at the same time as resurfacing works would be undertaken in order to minimise disruption.  Should Members decide to dispose of a car park in the future or to not undertake some of the scheduled works this could be accommodated within the plan.


During consideration of this item Officers clarified that Members were not required at this stage to determine whether the proposed increase in funding in 2021/22 should be funded from balances or through borrowing.  This would instead need to be determined in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2021/22 to 2024/25.




(1)      the preliminary offer made by a third party, to take over the running and maintenance of the Recreation Road South Car Park be accepted;


(2)      delegated powers be given to the Head of Environmental and Housing Property Services, Head of Finance and Customer Services and the Portfolio Holder, to explore, negotiate and agree the final lease details with the third party, be approved;


(3)      a decrease in the 2020/2021 Capital Programme of £34.5k to provide a total budget of £85.5k for replacement of parking machines be approved;


(4)      an increase of £432.0k, £307.0k or £267.0k in 2021/2022 to be funded from borrowing or balances following consideration as part of the medium term financial plan review be approved;


(5)      an increase of £136.0k to the 2022/2023 Capital Programme to be funded from borrowing or balances following consideration as part of the medium term financial plan review be approved;


(6)      an increase of £116.0k to the 2023/2024 Capital Programme to be funded from borrowing or balances following consideration as part of the medium term financial plan review be approved; and


(7)      an increase of £441.0k or £121.0k in 2024/2025 to be funded from borrowing or balances following consideration as part of the medium term financial plan review.


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