Agenda item

20/00198/OUT - Demolition of function room to the rear and erection of up to 20 apartments with associated infrastructure - Rubery Social Club, 141 New Road, Rubery - E. Whitehouse


Officers presented the report and in doing so explained that Rubery Social Club was on level ground on the north side of New Road and was set within the local centre shopping frontage.  Bounding to the rear of the site was the A38 and Callow Brook.


The application proposed was in outline with all matters reserved.


The Highway Authority, as a statutory consultee, had raised no objections from a highway safety point of view. 


The development with carefully designed drainage could go ahead without any drainage or flood risk impact, therefore no objections, subject to approval of a site drainage strategy to be secured by way of planning condition.


Members’ attention was drawn to suggested condition number 14 on page 90 of the main agenda report and the submitted Walnut Acoustics Noise Assessment.


The Committee then considered the Application, which had been recommended for approval by Officers.


Officers responded to questions from Members with regards to noise mitigation measures and car parking and in doing so, highlighted that detailed noise mitigation measures would be secured; and that there were 16 allocated car parking spaces for the Social Club and 20 allocated car parking spaces for the flats, one for each flat.  Both of which were considered sufficient.


Councillor P. J. Whittaker questioned the finished floor level, would this be higher than any localised flooding hazards.


Officers informed the Committee that no comments or concerns has been received from the local lead officer that the proposed development was in a flood risk area.


Members were in agreement that, the proposal was a good development, however they also agreed that officers should include an additional condition; whereby the finished floor level was set, taking into consideration any local flood risk concerns.


Having considered the Officer’s report and clarification from Officers on a number of points which had been raised, Members were minded to approve the application.




a)    outline Planning Permission be granted; 


b) delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and

Leisure to determine the planning application following the receipt of a

suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to the following:-


1.     A contribution towards off-site public open space (£40 per square metre of created floor space);

2.     Contribution to provision of refuse and recycling bins;

3.     £7,570 to meet additional demand on local GP practices;

4.     A financial contribution of up to a maximum of £3,478.44 to meet annual shortfalls in NHS Service revenue

5.     Affordable housing provision in the event of the proposed gross floor area exceeding that of the existing building proposed for demolition (following application of Vacant Building Credit);

6.     S106 monitoring fee (As of 1 September 2019, revised Regulations were issued to allow the Council to include a provision for monitoring fees in Section 106 Agreements to ensure the obligations set down in the Agreements are met).


c) delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and

Leisure to agree the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of conditions as set out in the summary list;  




d)  an additional condition be included, that the finished floor level be set.

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