Agenda item

20/00942/FUL - Proposed extension to form corridor link - The Byre, 2 Bittell Farm Barns, Bittell Farm Road, Barnt Green - Mr. S. Holland


Officers clarified that the Application has been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor C. Hotham, Ward Member.


The Chairman informed Members that officers would be presenting a joint presentation for Applications 20/00942/FUL and 20/00943/LBC – The Byre, 2 Bittell Farm Barns, Bittell Farm Road, Barnt Green; but each Application would be considered, debated and voted on individually. 


Officers gave a detailed presentation on Applications 20/00942/FUL and 20/00943/LBC and in doing so highlighted that the applications sought a proposed extension to form a corridor link in order to enlarge the accommodation further, by constructing a small extension to create a short corridor running along part of the front of the north west elevation connecting the south west part of the ‘L’ to the lobby adjacent to the dining room in the centre of the north east range; thereby avoiding the need to walk through the living room to access the lobby. 


The proposed structure would comprise a flat roofed box clad in waney edged boarding to match the finish to the new extension with a rooflight and a door and simple metal framed window to the north west elevation.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the reasons for refusal as detailed on page 131 of the main agenda report and Conservation Officers comments as detailed on page 127 of the main agenda report.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. S. Holland, the Applicant and Councillor C. Hotham addressed the Committee. 


The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for refusal.


Councillor S. P. Douglas asked that, in terms of historic record could the existing building be photographed and archived in order to provide a record of the existing building.


Officers clarified that in terms of an historic record that such a condition could be added in order to record the historic history of the building.


Officers further clarified that Section 5 of the Councils High Quality Design Guide SPD, provided very specific guidance on barns and that this was a curtilage listed building; and that the proposed corridor link would harm the significance of the curtilage listed building, as it would be at odds with the original plan form of the barn and detract from its simple appearance.


In response to questions from Members the Conservation Officer stated that that the proposed corridor link would cause harm to this listed building and that an historical recording of the building would not necessary overcome that harm; because the shape of the building would be lost.


Some Members commented that whilst they understood the objections raised by the Conservation Officer, they were of the opinion that the proposed extension was reasonable and proportionate.  The corridor link would be small and if done discreetly would not harm the significance of the curtilage listed building.  Other Members agreed with Officers that the proposed extension should be refused.    


In response to further questions from Members, the Conservation Officer commented that it was difficult to say whether the building would be listed in its own rights if it were located in the middle of a field and not connected to the farmhouse.  Barns within the curtilage of a listed building were curtilage listed, as the reason they existed was to serve the original farmhouse.  Therefore, it was quite acceptable that these buildings were treated as listed buildings, as the same legislation applied.


Officers clarified that Alvechurch Parish Council had objected to the application.  The applicant had spoken with the Parish Council, but Officers had not received any amended comments from the Parish Council.


Members further commented that whilst understanding the need to look after the district’s heritage, a barn that had been converted should be easy to live in and the applicant appeared willing to discuss with Officers the materials to be used.


Having considered the Application, which Officers had recommended for refusal; Members reached a different view to that of the Officers.  Members were happy with the principle of the proposed extension to form a corridor link but agreed that the final appearance needed to different.  




a)    authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to grant Planning Permission, subject to:


b)    further discussions taking place with Officers, the Conservation Officer and Alvechurch Parish Council to agree the final finishing details and external materials to be used;




c)     an additional condition be included, that a photographic record of the existing building be taken, in order to provide a historical record.

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