Agenda item

20/00684/REM - Reserved matters application for the erection of 14 no. dwellings following outline planning permission 18/00119/OUT (Matters for approval: access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) - Stoke Works, Pumping Station, Weston Hall Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove B60 4AL - Mr. M. Fletcher


Officers reported that concerns had been raised by Worcestershire County Highways regarding the originally submitted layout (05 Rev E), including a requirement for a Speed Survey and other technical conflicts with the Streetscape Design Guide.  However, following revisions to the proposal and correspondence between County Highways and the agent, these have now been resolved; as detailed in the published Update Report.


Officers reminded that Committee that outline approval for 14 dwellings was granted permission under an outline application reference 18/00119/OUT on 10th September 2018, subject to the signing of a s106 agreement.  A copy of the outline decision was included in the Committee Update.


The site was located on the southern side of Stoke Prior and comprised of a triangular piece of land measuring 0.52 hectares.  The site was also bordered by Westonhall Road to the south, the Birmingham to Worcester Canal to the north west and the former Polymer Latex Works to the east.


The proposed layout showed 14 dwellings arranged around a shared surface.  The access was to be taken directly from Westonhall Road frontage in the form of a shared surface, which created a social space for new and existing users of the area. The scheme proposed 7 different house types across the 14 units creating a vibrant and mixed built environment.  All dwellings would be two storey in height.


The Council’s High Quality Design SPD recommended that private amenity space to be required to be of a usable size, with a minimum of 70 sq.m.  The SPD also suggested that  a distance of 21m should be considered the minimum separation between the rear elevations of dwellings to achieve an appropriate degree of privacy.  The layout largely achieved this requirement, however, there were a few minor breaches in terms of the distances between units 13 and 14 and units 3, 4 and 5.  The breaches noted were considered to be minor.


Overall the level of amenity achieved across the site was considered to be acceptable having regard to Policy BDP1 and the High Quality Design SPD.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. D. Stiff, the Applicant’s agent addressed the Committee. 


The Committee then considered the application, which had been recommended for approval by Officers. 


Officers responded to questions from Members with regards to the variety and type of dwellings proposed and the comments from the Conservation Officer in respect of dwelling 13 being rendered.  Officers stated that, in their opinion, this would not undermine the overall scheme.


At the request of the Chairman, officers agreed to feedback the Committee’s comments with regards to dwelling 13 being rendered. 


Officers responded to further questions from Members with regards to the open space and in doing so, informed the Committee that the dwellings would be located immediately adjacent to an area of public open space. 


Members were further informed that, as detailed in the outline approval, that

preliminary risk assessment reports would be required and would include all

potential contaminants, sources and receptors.


Officers further clarified that the original plans to allow access onto the towpath,

at this location, had raised some concerns and it was felt that the existing

access to the towpath was sufficient in order to promote access onto the canal





a)    Reserved Matters be approved;   


b)    Delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the Reserved Matters subject to the satisfactory views of Worcestershire Highways; and  


c)     Delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure to agree the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of conditions as set out in the summary.

Supporting documents: