Agenda item

Worcestershire Regulatory Services Budgets 2020/21


The Head of Finance & Customer Services, Bromsgrove District Council, introduced the report and in doing so highlighted that the Worcestershire Regulatory Services budget for 2020/2021 as agreed by the Board at the meeting held on 28th November 2019, had had to be adjusted due to late changes, as follows:-


·       The late changes in the Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) forward pension funding rate from 16.9% to 20.5%;

·       The Pay Award of 2.75% (budgeted at 2%);

·       The increase in charges from Wyre Forest for accommodation and ICT hosting; and

·       A change in the pest control service at Wyre Forest in March 2020.


As detailed on pages 17 to 21 of the main agenda report.


Councillor A. Kent, Bromsgrove District Council queried the refund of £7k to Wyre Forest District Council with regards to their Pest Control Services; and the increase of £13k in accommodation charges and ICT hosting from Wyre Forest District Council in March 2020.  


The Head of Regulatory Services responded and informed the Board that Wyre Forest District Council had ceased offering subsidised Pest Control Services for residents in receipt of specific benefits in February / March 2020.


With regards to the increase in accommodation charges and ICT hosting, following discussions with the Chief Finance Officer and the Head of IT, Wyre Forest District Council, the overall cost of inflation was discussed and it was agreed that, since the contract was initially entered into in 2015, an adjustment was made upwards, which was simply a reflection of the increase over that 5 year period.  It was not just to cover the ICT provision it also included a proportion for the increase in rent for the space occupied by WRS officers at Wyre Forest House. The initial agreement was a fixed annual charge over a 5-year period.  A Consumer Price Index was used.    


The Head of Regulatory Services agreed to provide Members with further details on the discussion that took place in respect of the £13k increase in accommodation charges and ICT hosting.


Councillor J. Raine, Malvern Hills District Council commented that after getting his authorities views on the pay award, which was more than expected, it was agreed that it was well deserved, particularly in these difficult times.


Further discussion followed, whereby Councillor E. Stokes, Wychavon District Council also expressed her concerns with regards Recommendation 1.4 and if doing the calculations on a Consumer Price Index, was that not compounding it. 


The Council’s Legal Advisor clarified that each Recommendation could be decided on individually.




a)             Recommendation 1.4, as detailed on page 18 of the main agenda report, be deferred; and


b)             the Head of Regulatory Services be tasked to provide further information in relation to the increase in accommodation charges and ICT hosting from Wyre Forest District Council, at the next meeting of the Board. 


 RECOMMENDED that partner authorities approve the following for 2020/21:


1.1     the additional partner liabilities for 2020/21 in relation to increase in WRS pension forward funding rate and recommend the increase to individual partner councils:-

Bromsgrove District Council


Malvern Hills District Council


Redditch Borough Council


Worcester City Council


Wychavon District Council


Wyre Forest District Council













1.2     the additional partner liabilities for 2020/21 in relation to the additional increase in pay award of 0.75% from the original estimated 2% and recommend the increase to individual partner councils:-


Bromsgrove District Council


Malvern Hills District Council


Redditch Borough Council


Worcester City Council


Wychavon District Council


Wyre Forest District Council





1.3     the refund to Wyre Forest in relation to the change of Pest Control Services and recommend the refund to individual partner councils:-


Wyre Forest District Council




1.5   the revised budget for 2020/21 and partner percentage allocations 

for 2020/21 onwards, due to the change in pest control service at Wyre Forest:-



Revised %

Bromsgrove District Council



Malvern Hills District Council



Redditch Borough Council



Worcester City Council



Wychavon District



Wyre Forest  District Council

















































Supporting documents: