Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Leader


(Due to connectivity issues, the meeting was paused on two occasions to give Members the opportunity to re-join the meeting and for the live stream to re-commence.)


The Leader began her announcements by updating Members on the Covid 19 situation in Bromsgrove.  It was confirmed that the current numbers of Covid-19 cases in Bromsgrove District, stood at 30 cases per 100,000. The rate per 100,000 in Bromsgrove was similar to the England average as cases had risen across the Country.  On 8th September Worcestershire County Council’s Public Health Team took the precautionary decision to close visits to care homes and currently only essential visits were allowed. This decision was taken in order to protect the elderly and vulnerable residents something that was of paramount importance to everyone.  The Leader asked everyone to continue to adhere to the social distancing rules, wash their hands regularly and wear face coverings where necessary, which was simple to do and saved lives.


The Leader was proud to report to Council, that Maz Salmou a volunteer from the Bromsgrove Community Support Group, a Group set up to help the elderly and vulnerable during the Coronavirus Crisis, had been awarded a “Make a Difference Superstar award” from BBC Hereford and Worcester. Maz had moved to Bromsgrove as a refugee in September 2018 and said he wanted to give something back to the Bromsgrove Community, which had made him so welcome since he had settled here.  He was one of two overall winners of the award and would now have his name on the side of a GWR train which he would be given free travel on. The Leader gave sincere thanks to Maz and to everyone in Bromsgrove District who had worked to ensure the safety of its residents during this pandemic, they were all very much appreciated for the work that they had done and continued to do.


The Leader went on to announce that Councillor G. Denaro had made the decision that due to family commitments he wished to stand down as the Deputy Leader of the Council.   The Leader placed on record her sincere thanks for all that Councillor Denaro had done in his role as the Deputy Leader which was much appreciated.   It was confirmed that Councillor Denaro would continue in his role as the Cabinet Member for Finance and Enabling.


Councillor A. Kent was to become the new Deputy Leader, and he would retain the Planning and Regulatory Services Portfolio in addition to his new role.


Finally, the Leader took the opportunity to advise Members that, as they were probably aware, Ms. Jayne Pickering, the Director of Finance and Resources, was leaving Bromsgrove District Council at the beginning of October to take up a new role as the Deputy Chief Executive at a neighbouring authority.  This was sadly Jayne’s last Full Council meeting for this Authority.  Ms. Pickering had been at Bromsgrove District Council for 17 years and the Leader thanked her most sincerely for her service, commitment, energy and drive over this time. Jayne would be greatly missed, and everyone wished her success and happiness in her new role.


Councillor R. Hunter took the opportunity to also pass on his and his Group’s thanks and best wishes to Ms. Pickering.  He also thanked the Leader for her update in respect of Covid-19 and questioned whether she had any information in respect of the reported difficulties some residents had faced in getting tested for it.  The Leader provided a brief update in respect of interim plans for a walk in testing centre in Bromsgrove and the role of the proposed Marshalls (which was a work in progress) and the impact this would have on Bromsgrove.  She was receiving regular updates on the position and would ensure that all necessary measures were put in place as soon as practicably possible to ensure the general safety of residents.


Councillor P. McDonald also took the opportunity to wish Ms. Pickering all the best in the future.  He also asked the Leader whether she was able to provide any update in respect of the asylum seekers who were currently residing in a hotel within the District.  The Leader responded that following the incident (and the video posted on social media) the security had been increased and a number of preventative actions taken to ensure the safety of the occupants.  She also confirmed that it was now a Police matter.  A number of other Members also raised concerns about the incident and were reassured that the appropriate action had been taken quickly.


Councillor L. Mallett also commented that he had received a number of calls from concerned and frustrated residents who had been unable to access Covid-19 testing at either Redditch or Bromsgrove.  As both were on the edge of Birmingham, which had been put in a local lockdown, he shared residents’ frustrations and concerns around this and the track and trace system, and asked the Leader to write to the Secretary of State raising these concerns.  The Leader responded that she shared those concerns and was happy to raise the matter, although the whole situation was a “moving feast” and it was hoped the track and trace system would be up and running more effectively soon.


As there had been a number of technical issues Councillor S. Hughes raised a point of order as to whether the Chairman was able to monitor the meeting appropriately as Members had been made aware that he had had to phone-in to the meeting.  The Chairman confirmed that he was being fully supported by officers who were alerting him to those Members who wished to speak and assured her that nobody would be missed.


Councillor C. Hotham took the opportunity to say a fond farewell to Ms. Pickering and gave personal thanks for all her support over recent years and her part in setting up the Finance and Budget Working Group, which had been so successful and continued to play an integral part in the budget setting process.