Agenda item

Burcot Hostel Report - pre-scrutiny


The Strategic Housing Manager presented the Burcot Hostel report and provided the Board with some background to the project and explained that the Burcot Hostel would be replaced by alternative facilities in the district, provided by Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT).


Members were informed that, following discussion with BDHT, it had been agreed to replace the hostel with six units of alternative temporary accommodation from BDHT stock. This accommodation comprised of the following units:-


·       2 x 1 bedroom units,

·       2 x 2 bedroom units

·       2 x 3 bedroom units


Members’ attention was drawn to the section of the report where it stated that, since the Covid 19 crisis, Central Government had actively encouraged homeless services not to place homeless households in facilities with shared living spaces and so, from this perspective, the Burcot Hostel was considered no longer fit for purpose.


Some Members questioned whether there were any families currently in Bed and Breakfast accommodation and it was confirmed by officers that there was not.  Following on from that Members questioned whether, given that the ban on evictions was likely to be concluded at the end of August, what contingency plans were in place to assist those residents in need of assistance. The Strategic Housing Manager confirmed that his Team were putting in place a communication plan with BDHT by at the end of August, in order to provide signposting for people who required assistance. It was also reported that BDHT were working behind the scenes to create capacity in their service and that all services including benefits were well connected so residents who required assistance knew where to go and would get the support needed.


An amendment to Recommendation 2.1 regarding funding the scheme from borrowing was suggested as it was felt that, as the Council currently had healthy balances, the funding should come from there. The Executive Director, Finance and Resources advised that whilst this was acceptable for consideration  by Cabinet, caution should be shown as to the level of funding (from balances) that might be needed in the future to accommodate changes to services impacted by Covid-19 and associated lockdown. However, she stated that she was comfortable that the recommendation be amended and the £35k that was to be approved be used from balances on this occasion.


Members thanked the officers for the report and asked whether there would be an opportunity to bring the Housing Service in-house in future, depending on the length of contract with BDHT which it was understood had two years left to run. Some Members were concerned at the level of payments being made and wanted confirmation that the Council were getting value for money. Officers explained that this was a new venture and the figures that had been provided in the report were based on a worst case scenario and that officers were asking for an ‘in principle’ agreement with the understanding that further work needed to be undertaken.


RECOMMENDED that the creation of a £35k capital budget for the scheme for the 2020/21 capital programme funded from balances.


RESOLVED that the Burcot Hostel report be noted.


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