Agenda item

Urgent Decisions Made (for information)

Any supporting documentation relating to these Urgent Decisions is avialable on the Council’s website under Urgent Decisions via  This has not been included for the purpose of this meeting as this item is for information only.




The Chairman reminded Members that these were urgent decisions which had been made since the last meeting and were provided for openness and transparency and information purposes only, they were not for discussion.  Full details were available on the Council’s website.


Several points of clarification were raised:


·       When the urgent decision page had been placed on the website and why was it with the committees.

·       If urgent decisions were to be taken, then Members should be advised when this happened.  It was confirmed that all urgent decisions to date, had been communicated to all group leaders prior to being uploaded to the website.

·       In respect of the Licensing delegations and why were Licensing Sub Committee meetings not being held remotely and what was the Chairman of Licensing’s position on this and was the Special Responsibility Allowance also being suspended in light of this.  The Chairman of Licensing responded that currently the Licensing of taxis had been delegated to Worcestershire Regulatory Services, however the Licensing for premises, that still rested with the sub committees, there would be a number of virtual sub committees coming up in the near future.

·       Whether car parking charges were suspended, and the traffic wardens furloughed during the main period.

·       Whether the company providing the app for payment of car parking charges would receive payment for this, either through the car parking charges or from a surcharge on top of the car parking charge.


The Chairman reminded Members that this item was not for discussion and suggested that any questions be put to officers or the relevant Portfolio Holder outside of the meeting.



Supporting documents: