Agenda item

Activity and Performance Data - Quarters 1 - 4


The (acting) Licensing Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) presented that Activity and Performance Data for Quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4 and in doing so highlighted some of the keys points in the report.


The (acting) Licensing Manager, WRS, reported that the report focused on Quarter 4 but the actual data allowed a comparison with previous quarters and years.


With the exception of August, the number of food requests received during this year had been largely in line with 2018/2019.  Approximately 51% of cases were hygiene related; with three quarters of complaints relating to food products and a quarter to hygiene concerns at food businesses. 


Based on the 1242 inspection interventions undertaken this year, approximately 6% led to a non-compliant rating (a rating of 0, 1 or 2) being issued.  The majority of businesses however had since been brought into compliance.  It was worth noting that, towards the end of the year, proactive inspections of food businesses were suspended by the Food Standards Agency due to Covid-19.   


The number of stray or lost dogs reported continued to decline, with the total this year a reduction of 17% compared to the previous year. 


The number of health and safety cases received during this year was broadly in line with the previous year.  There was however, a continued decline in the number of complaints and enquiries.


It had been a quiet year for nuisance work and that was how it ended albeit following a very similar pattern for previous years. 


The number of public health cases received by WRS during the year was a reduction of 25% compared to the previous year.  Approximately 60% of cases related to pest control and a further 25% were complaints relating to the accumulation of waste at domestic properties.


Work to support planning officers across Worcestershire had kept the Technical Services team busy throughout the year, with the number recorded some 18% higher than the previous year.  Approximately 89% of planning enquiries were consultations, whilst half related to contaminated land.


Newport City Council in Wales had now signed off their legal agreement with CEMEX and officers were pleased to confirm that they had now comprehensive primary authority arrangements in place for both England and Wales.  WRS would now proceed to secure standardised inspections plans for all of CEMEX’s sites (around 360 nationally) through the BEIS approval system.


Officers had now completed the first draft of the Medium Sized Combustion Plant technical standard on behalf of the Defence Industry Organisation (DIO). 


Work continued with Worcester City’s Air Quality Action Plan with source apportionment work taking place in 2 of the 5 survey areas and the incorporation of LTP4 actions into the plan.  However accurate up to date traffic counts had not been secured for all areas due to the Covid-19 lockdown and there would be a need to glean this information before the report was completed.


Predictive air quality modelling work around Comberton Hill and Chester Road junction in Kidderminster was making progress, however, the project had been suspended due to the inability to collect accurate and representative traffic data due to the Covid-19 lockdown.


Meetings with representatives from Bromsgrove and Wychavon District Councils to progress the action planning of air quality in the Wychbold AQMA had also been suspended due to the Covid-19 lockdown.


The number of licensing applications received last year remained consistent with previous years. 


Whilst licensing generally received a higher proportion of enquiries, 661 complaints were received this year with approximately 45% relating to taxi licensing.


Councillor J, Raine, Malvern Hills District Council commented that he found it to be an excellent report and was presented in a really good format.


RESOLVED that the Activity and Performance Data report for Quarters 1, 2, 3, and 4, be noted; and that Board Members use the contents of the report in their own reporting back to fellow Members of each partner authority.

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