Agenda item

19/01610/FUL - Proposed demolition of former Bromsgrove District Council House, BBC Hereford & Worcester building and hostel, and proposed development of 61 no. dwellings comprising of 18 no. houses, 4 no. maisonettes and 39 no. apartments - The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove, B60 1AA - Mr. M. Bough


Officers presented the report and outlined the application made by Bromsgrove District Council to re-develop the land at the site of the former Council House on Burcot Lane for residential use.


The location of the site provided a number of constraints including the irregular boundary line, the proximity to the A38, the presence of the Spadesbourne Brook passing along the western boundary and the location close to significant existing buildings including the Police and Fire Station and All Saints Church.


Officers explained the proposed layout with reference to the relevant plans and it was noted that 18 two storey houses were proposed to be built on the footprint of the Council House building with 4 maisonettes behind.  The hostel building on the eastern side of the site would be demolished and that part of the site would be used for the construction of 39 apartments as part of a 4 storey block.  The mix of tenure would include affordable rent, shared ownership, private rented and market units.  The scheme as a whole would provide 30% affordable housing, made up of 66% social rented and 34% intermediate affordable housing.


The site was located in flood zones 2 and 3 but additional flood alleviation measures had been incorporated to mitigate issues with surface water flooding.  Working in conjunction with North Worcestershire Water Management, the applicant had included additional features to address this including cellular storage and permeable paving.


The application site was defined as previously developed land and the proposed use of the site for residential development accorded with the relevant policies and was acceptable.  A transport statement had been submitted and there were no objections on highways grounds.


Members were referred to the proposed amendments to the conditions and section 106 requirements as set out on pages 4 to 5 of the Update Report.


At the invitation of the Chairman Ms Bonnie Carswell, agent of the applicant, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


In response to questions from Members officers clarified the following:-


·       That BDHT would be taking steps to mitigate the loss of the hostel as set out on page 144 of the agenda;

·       That it was possible that the same contractor for both the demolition and construction phases could be used;

·       That full details of what construction methods would be used, including the recycling of any material from the demolished buildings would not be available yet although re-use of material would potentially be possible where appropriate.

·       That there was insufficient space on the site to include on site play facilities and to mitigate this an off-site play contribution would be included in the section 106 agreement.

In debating the application, the overall response of Members was supportive of the proposal.  In particular Members highlighted the benefits of bringing the site back into use and the advantages of being able to provide additional housing in a town centre location, including affordable housing.




(1)      Minded to approve planning permission;


(2)      That delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the Full planning application following the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to the following:


Contributions towards off-site Sport and Recreational facilities due to increased demand from future residents, required in compliance with SPG11


  • Toddler and Junior Play - (Recreation Road play area) TBC
  • Junior Sport - (Barnsley Hall Playing Pitches) TBC
  • and Adult Fitness - (Recreation Road) TBC

·       and any open space requirements TBC (Officers request therefore that the final detail of the offsite sum and the nature of these provisions listed above be Delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services)



Contributions towards Education provision by way of;


  • First School Contribution=£68,032
  • Middle School Contribution primary phase =£34,016
  • add secondary phase = £23,302
  • High School and Sixth Form Contribution = £69,906


Contributions for refuse and re-cycling bins for the new development in accordance with Policy WCS.17 of the adopted Worcestershire Waste Core Strategy


  • 1 x 240 litre green wheeled bin @ £26.75 x 22 = £558.50
  • 1 x 240 litre grey wheeled bin @ 25.49 x 22 =  £560.78


  • 8 x 1100 litre domestic waste wheeled bins @£252.43 = £2,019.44
  • 8 x 1100 litre recycling wheeled bins @£252.43 =  £2,019.44


Contributions towards GP Surgery Contribution


·       Capital funding to increase capacity within the GP Catchment Area = £27,761.


Contributions towards Worcestershire Acute Hospital Trust Contribution


·       (WAHT)Agreement of a final sum not exceeding £82,654.00  to be Delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services (subject to verifying any

deductions based on services already provided by the WAHT)


Planning Obligation Monitoring Fee: (Contribution amount to be confirmed)


The provision of 30% (18 units on the site to be restricted to Affordable Housing in perpetuity


The provision of on-site SuDS facilities, with associated trigger points for adoption and the management and maintenance of the on-site SuDS facilities by Bromsgrove District Council or another appropriate party (Cost to be confirmed)


The provision of the on site open space provision, with associated trigger points for adoption and the management and maintenance of the on-site open space provision by Bromsgrove District Council or another appropriate party (Cost to be confirmed);



(3)      That delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and      Regeneration to agree the final scope, wording and numbering of conditions and informatives as set out on pages 153 to 162 of the agenda, including the additional condition relating to provision of written details/drawings of the soft landscaping areas, as set out on page 3 of the Update Report.



[Mr Dale Birch, Development Management Manager for the Council, left the meeting for the duration of this item]

Supporting documents: