Agenda item

14/0408 - Residential development comprising the erection of 26 dwellings - Outline Application (including details of Access, Layout, Scale and Appearance) - Land Rear of Algoa House, Western Road, Hagley, Worcestershire - Mr. D. Billingham


Officers presented the report and explained that although approved at Planning Committee in November 2014, the planning permission had never been issued due to delays finalising the section 106 agreement relating to highways matters.  Members were referred to the previous 2014 committee report at Appendix 1.  At the request of the applicant, the updated application before Members had been expanded to cover outline planning permission for all matters save for landscaping.


Members were referred to the updates on page 1 of the Update Report.


It was noted that the site formed the last remaining parcel of land in Hagley that had been identified under the Bromsgrove District Plan (policy BDP5(B) Other Development Sites) and had been identified as a housing development site.  The application proposed 26 two storey dwellings split between 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms, including 10 affordable dwellings.


The access from the site would be from Western Road and Members were referred to the layout plan, and more detailed information regarding the type of dwellings proposed.  In officers assessment the application met the relevant requirements for design and layout and residential amenity, and there were no objections from County Highways or Worcestershire Regulatory Services.  Impact on existing facilities in Hagley would be mitigated by the provisions of the proposed section 106 contributions as detailed on pages 61 to 62 of the agenda.


At the invitation of the Chairman Mrs L. McGrath addressed the Committee in objection to the application and Councillor S. Colella spoke in his capacity as Ward Councillor.


In responding to points made during public speaking, the County Council’s Highways Officer confirmed that further traffic modelling for this site had not been required in light of assessment work previously carried out for the adjacent site.  The Highways Officer further clarified that the section 278 Highways Agreement would not attract financial contributions from the applicant.


Officers confirmed that the 50/50 split of the section 106 contributions to Hagley Community Centre and Clent Parish Hall had been based on the geographical location of the site.


In debating the application Members expressed their general support for the scheme subject to some reservations regarding future management of the public open space.  This centred on concerns that use of a private management company could potentially lead to expense for the future occupiers, and that there might be other alternatives that had not been considered.  Following further discussion it was moved that an additional recommendation be added to give delegated authority to officers to enter into discussion with the applicant regarding ownership of the public space being taken on by the council or Hagley Parish Council.



(1)      Minded to approve planning permission;


(2)      That delegated powersbe granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the outline planning application following the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to financial contributions for:



  • Active Travel and Public Transport Infrastructure within Hagley contribution:



Education Infrastructure

  • A contribution towards Hagley Primary School based on the cost per open market dwellings as per the following tariff:

£3,230 open market 2 or 3 bedroom dwelling

£4,845 open market 4 or more bedroom dwelling

  • A contribution towards Haybridge High School and sixth form based on the cost per open market dwellings as per the following tariff:

£4,213 open market 2 or 3 bedroom dwelling

£6,252 open market 4 or more bedroom dwelling


Medical Infrastructure

  • A financial contribution towards Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust to help support the provisions of acute primary healthcare:


  • A financial contribution of towards Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG- Hagley Surgery



The improvement of Hagley Community Centre and Clent Parish Hall:

£21,044.66 (split on a 50%/50% basis: £10,522.33/£10,522.33)


Car-Parking Enhancement in Hagley: 



Waste Management Contribution:

Waste and recycling bins calculated as follows:

  • £25.49 per 240 litre standard capacity grey receptacle (waste)
  • £26.75 per 240 litre standard capacity green receptacle (recycling)


Planning Obligation Monitoring Fee:




The securing of 10 on-site affordable dwelling units

The provision and future maintenance in perpetuity of the on-site play space and open space provision


(3)      That delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning Regeneration to agree the final scope, detailed wording and numbering of conditions as set out on pages 79 to 85 of the agenda;


(4)      And that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to enter into negotiations with the developer for an alternative scheme for management of the public open space and to discuss the option of ownership being transferred to the District Council or Hagley Parish Council.



Supporting documents: