Agenda item

Staff Survey Update


The Head of Transformation and Organisational Development together with the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager provided Members with an update in respect of the staff survey and actions arising from it.


This included:


·         The Staff Survey had been delayed until summer 2020 in order to incorporate the culture change programme that was being undertaken by the organisation.

·         Workshops were being arranged in order to engage more closely with staff.

·         A stress risk assessment would be introduced prior to Easter 2020.


The Chairman invited the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling to comment on the presentation and he thanked the officers for their update and stated that although there had been a delay in co-ordinating the next staff survey the delay was for the right reasons and would enable the culture change programme to embed in to the Council.


Following presentation of the briefing paper Members discussed a number of areas and officers responded to questions raised.  Particular reference was made to sickness absence and the retention of staff.  Members were advised that sickness absence was recorded on the Corporate Dashboard and Members were provided with the latest figures.  However, it was explained that a more holistic view was taken in respect of how staff were feeling and that simply providing the sickness figures did not necessarily give the full picture.


Reference was made to the original survey and how it had been tailored to the needs of the Council with a bespoke methodology and it was questioned whether the same questions would be used again in order to see any trends that may be arising and improvements that were being made.  It was confirmed that this would be the case and it was hoped that the results of the next survey would be available, following analysis, in October 2020.


There had been a Task Group set up, which had been a joint piece of work with Redditch Borough Council, which had looked at the staff survey and it was noted that one of the recommendations had been in respect of the appointment of a Staff Champion, at that time this had been Councillor Colella.  Councillor Colella gave a brief overview of how this role had originally worked, but he advised that he had had no involvement in more recent months.  Following discussion it was agreed that this role should be re-instated.


Officers suggested that as a number of Members were new to the Council and the Board, that at a future meeting the Board receive a presentation of the Corporate Dashboard and how to access this on iPads.  It was noted that the Corporate Dashboard was used by the Corporate Performance Working Group and therefore would be useful should that Working Group recommence its work.




a)    the Update in respect of the Staff Survey be noted;

b)    the role of a Member as a Staff Champion be revisited; and

c)    Officers include in the Overview and Scrutiny Board Work Programme and item in respect of a demonstration on the content and workings of the Corporate Dashboard.


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