Agenda item

19/00619/REM - Application for approval of reserved matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and access (internal to the site) for a use class B8 (storage and distribution) building with ancillary floorspace including use class B1 (offices); earthworks; plot and structural landscape works inclusive of an ecological enhancement area; internal access roads, car parking, gatehouse; utilities and plant infrastructure; on the northern development parcel pursuant to S73 permissions SDC 18/03746/VARY, BDC 18/01596/S73, RBC 18/01626/S73 following outline permissions SDC 17/01847/OUT, BDC 17/00701/OUT, RBC 17/00700/OUT - Redditch Gateway Land Adjacent To The A4023, Coventry Highway, Redditch, Worcestershire - Stoford Gorcott Limited


Officers reminded the Committee that the principle of the development of the application site had been granted planning permission in June 2018 under 17/00701/OUT, and subsequently varied in April 2019.  This application was for planning permission regarding the reserved matters, relating to appearance, landscaping, layout, scale and details of internal circulation routes reserved, for the development on a phased basis, for employment land for business/industrial uses.


The site plan highlighted to Members that the application before them related to the northern development parcel of the wider Redditch Gateway site.   This particular section was land within both Stratford-on-Avon’s boundary and that of this Council.  There was a small area of green land on the boundary of Redditch Borough Council, which was consulted on both applications as a neighbouring authority, given the proximity of the application site to land within its area.  It was confirmed that as the application did not fall within Redditch, a reserved matters application had not been submitted to Redditch Borough Council.


The Committee was advised that some responses from third parties were matters of principle which had already been discussed at the earlier stage of the process.  Members’ attention was drawn to the Update report, which had been published prior to the meeting and which highlighted a number of further representations and comments from the Applicant.  It also confirmed that Stratford-on-Avon District Council’s Planning Committee had approved the parallel applications on 2nd October 2019.


Officers advised that there were a number of conditions attached to this application as highlighted on page 73 of the main agenda report, however these had not been presented in their final form.  Officers advised that there had been 43 Conditions attached to the Outline application, with delegated authority being requested on some matters.  It was confirmed that the conditions reflected those which had been approved at Stratford-on-Avon on 2nd October 2019.


The Chairman allowed a brief adjournment of the meeting to allow the resident speakers to review the content of the Planning Update document, which had been published prior to the meeting.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mrs. Berry and Mr. Quartly (on behalf of the Winyates Green Residents Association) addressed the Committee in objection to the application.  Ms. J Russell, Applicant, addressed the Committee.


Officers responded to comments made by the objections and made particular reference to the Steering Group which had been set up by Stratford-on-Avon District Council, which had been aware of the proposals put forward.


Members commented that this was the third time that this application had come before the Committee and whilst it had some sympathy with residents, it was noted that this land had always been designated as employment land and this proposal was an opportunity for economic development within the area.  Members also commented on the development’s EPC rating and the inclusion of EV points, which was encouraging in the context of the impact of climate change.


Having considered the Officer’s report, the information provided by speakers and clarification from Officers of a number of points, Members were minded to approve the application.




a)    the application be granted, subject to the Conditions set out on page 77 of the main agenda report; and

b)    delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to agree


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