Agenda item

19/00820/FUL - Conversion and change of use of existing 27 Bedroom Hotel (C1 use) into 22. no One Bedroom Apartments (C3 use) with external alterations and extensions - Inkford Hotel, Alcester Road, Wythall, Worcestershire, B47 6DJ - Mr. R. Haider


Councillor S. Baxter and S. Hession declared that they were Members of Wythall Parish Council but had not been party to any discussions on this matter at the Parish Council meetings.


Officers summarised the report and highlighted that it was for the conversion and change of use of the building, including the reduction of the number of car parking spaces.  The property was in the Green Belt and had ceased trading as a hotel in 2014, being vacant since that date.  It was now in a state of disrepair.  A previous planning application for change of use had been granted in July 2010 which had now lapsed.


Whilst the proposals were considered to represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt by reason of the additional extensions, the harm caused would be limited in terms of spatial and visual aspects.  The wider benefits which would result from granting permission would in this case outweigh any harm caused.  Reference was again made to the Council’s lack of a five year housing land supply and the economic and social benefits represented the very special circumstances of this development.  The full details of the planning obligations were highlighted on pages 90 to 91 of the main agenda pack report.


A minor amendment to the additional condition 12 detailed in the Update report was proposed, which referred to the re-instatement of the “footway” along Alcester Road rather than the “footpath” referred to in the Update report, which Members were in agreement with.  In discussing this amendment it was suggested that this could go further and include use by cycle and scooter users, however following clarification from the Worcestershire Highways Officer, it was accepted by Members that this was not feasible due to the width of the footway.


The Committee were mindful that the building had been empty for some time and had become derelict and the application would address this.  It would also go some small way towards addressing the housing need and the improvements to the footway would be welcomed.


Having considered the Officer’s report and received clarification on a number of points raised by Officers, Members were minded to approve the application.




a)    Planning Permission be granted, subject to the Conditions as set out on pages 92 to 94 of the main agenda report and the inclusion of Condition 12 as detailed in the Planning update document, and as amended in the pre-amble above;

b)    Delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to determine the planning application following the satisfactory completion of a S106 planning obligation ensure that;

(i)            The Council receive a contribution of £2,524.30 for refuse and recycling bins;

(ii)          A financial contribution of £5,037 towards the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) be secured;

(iii)         S106 monitoring fee (as of 1 September 2019, revised Regulations were issued allowing the Council to include a provision for monitoring fees in Section 106 Agreements to ensure the obligations set down in the agreement are met.  The fee/charge is subject to confirmation following authorisation to proceed with this provision at the meeting of full Council on 25th September 2019).

Supporting documents: