Agenda item

18/00769/FUL - The erection of a 61 bed care home (Use Class C2) and associated works including car parking, access, landscaping and related engineering works - Land adjacent to Bennett Drive, Hagley, DY9 0WA - Hagley Care Homes Limited


Officers gave a detailed presentation of the application and highlighted a number of design elements and the landscaping which would be included within the development and made reference to the relevant national and local planning policies.


Officers provided a summary of the issues raised within the report, and, having particular regard to the nature of the development, its partial compliance with policy BDP14.  There was a material consideration of the principle development and the views of the Worcestershire Economic Development Team were highlighted.   It was confirmed that the Council’s Viability Consultant had concluded the site was non-viable for a standalone employment use, whilst it was acknowledged that it could be viable for mixed residential and business use, residential use was not envisaged for this site.  It was further accepted that the development would provide some employment.


Extensive discussions had taken place with Worcestershire Highways and the Developer to ensure that the parking spaces were sufficient and it was readily accessible by public transport or by foot and cyclists.  It was stated that it would not have a material impact on the operation of the local highway network.


Responses from other consultees were also referred to and the contributions recommended to be made to address some of the areas discussed.  This was reflected in the revised recommendations, which had been included within the updates provided prior to the meeting.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr R. Gardner of Avison Young, the Applicant’s Agent addressed the Committee.  Councillor R. Jenkins, as Ward Councillor for the area where the site was located also addressed the Committee.


Members were reminded that the decision they were making at this meeting was in respect of the report in front of them.  There had been no objection in respect of parking from Worcestershire Highways nor of any objection form Worcestershire Regulatory Services in respect of noise or air quality.


The Committee went on to consider the application with officers responding to the points raised by Members during the debate, with particular reference to car parking and the approach taken when calculating the number of spaces and the anticipated number of employees.  Whilst being sympathetic to the concerns raised, Members noted that this was a much needed facility.


Having considered the Officer’s report, the information provided by the speakers and clarification form Officers of a number of points Members were minded to approve the application.




1.    authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to grant Planning Permission, subject to:


a)    The Satisfactory completion of a S106 planning obligation ensuring that:

i)             Capital contribution for NHS Primary Care commission to mitigate the primary care impacts arising from the proposed development which would be used for medical infrastructure (financial figure to be confirmed);

ii)            £18,500 – contributions for Community Travel to serve the Hagley area regarding the transport needs of elderly and disable residents who cannot use bus services and in accordance with the 2010 Equality Act;

iii)           The occupancy of the development hereby approved shall be limited to persons aged 55 and over (the qualifying person), together with any spouse or partner and any surviving spouse or partner and ensuring that a minimum level of care is needed and taken up by future residents, with the exception of those persons diagnosed with dementia and requiring care, to which there is no age restriction;

iv)           Planning Obligation Monitoring charge – the fee to be agreed by the Head of Planning and Regeneration in conjunction with the Planning Portfolio Holder following the meeting of full Council on 25th September 2019.

b)    the expiry of the publicity period on 18th October 2019.


2.    authority to be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning committee, to assess whether new material considerations have been raised, and to issue a decision after the expiry of the statutory publicity period accordingly; and


3.    the Conditions set out on pages 26 to 29 of the main agenda report, with the following amendment to Condition 8:


            External lighting and CCTV measures, to be amended from a timing of

            ‘pre-commencement to ‘preoccupation’.

Supporting documents: