Agenda item

19/00459/FUL - Change of use from Dwelling (C3) to new Independent School (D1) - Lokrum, Copyholt Lane, Redditch, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 3AY - A. Chalmers


Officers clarified that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor M. Glass, Ward Member. 


Officers reported that revised plans had been submitted (30.7.19) showing the car park provision (10 car spaces) and a dropping off bay to be relocated at the rear of the bungalow, and the comments received from County Highways in respect of the revised plans.  Five additional letters of support had been submitted stating the need for the facility.  A letter of comment stating that the land was not fit for purpose due to the location and an additional support letter from RCA Regeneration Limited, on behalf of the Applicant and summarised by Officers; as detailed in the published Update Report, copies of which were provided to Committee Members and the public prior to the commencement of the meeting.


Officers drew Members’ attention to page 22 of the main agenda report, which detailed that permission was being sought to convert the whole of the existing bungalow to a non-residential independent school. The school was intended for children with autism.  A total of 18 children would be educated at the site.  Three main classrooms would be provided, two in the bungalow and a third in the home office.  Other rooms within the bungalow would be used for kitchen/dining facilities, reception and multi-purpose rooms/individual study.


The school would operate between 07:30 hrs to 17:00 hrs Monday to Friday, with 8 full time staff and 2 part time employees.


Officers highlighted that there were 3 dimensions of sustainable development to be considered, ‘Economic, Social and Environmental’, as detailed on pages 24 and 25 of the main agenda report.


Officers highlighted that there was a lot of interest in the application, generating 135 letters of support.  However, some of the letters of support were not necessarily from residents in the locality; their letters clearly supported the need for such a facility, but they may not be personally familiar with the site and its environs.  


The new school would be in a rural environment within the Green Belt in the Bromsgrove District Plan, which was remote from settlements and towns where the majority of pupil and staff would reside.


The site was located outside of any existing settlement and did not have good transport links to the surrounding settlements.  County Highways had raised objections to the proposal, as detailed on page 25 of the main agenda report.


Whilst Officers fully appreciated that there was a need for this facility for children in the Bromsgrove area, the application was considered to be inappropriate development within the Green Belt. 


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. A. Snelgrove (on behalf of Mrs. Tolley and Mrs. Till) addressed the Committee in objection to the Application.  Ms. A. Chalmers, the Applicant and Ms. L. Chance, Headteacher, addressed the Committee.  Councillor M. Glass, in whose Ward the Site was located also addressed the Committee.


The Committee then considered the Application, which had been recommended for refusal by Officers.  Members commented that they had attended the site visit and were impressed with how calm and still the surroundings were and the attractiveness of the environment.


Whilst Members fully understood and appreciated that Officers were following planning guidance and legislation; they did however debate as to who would be affected by the harm to openness in the Green Belt and its unsustainable location, other than the staff and pupils.  The Applicant had offered the provision of a mini bus, which, in Members opinion would make it somewhat sustainable.  The location was, as highlighted by the Applicant and Headteacher, a learning environment more conducive to learning for pupils with autism.


Members further debated the concerns raised with regard to the extent of hard surface for the car park.  Members were mindful that the Applicant had submitted revised plans which showed that the car parking provision (10 car spaces) and a dropping off bay had been relocated to the rear of the bungalow.  Members commented that the revised plans showed only a limited amount of parking provision and Members were aware of other special schools within the District that had reinforced grass parking areas.


Having considered the Officer’s report, the information provided by the public speakers, Members were of the view that there was a need for such a provision, which offered a calm and rural environment for children with autism; and the surfacing for the car-parking area could remain soft in appearance by the use of a reinforced membrane.  Members considered these matters constituted very special circumstances to outweigh the harm that would be caused to the openness of the Green Belt.  Members considered the concern over the geographical location of the site in terms of sustainability could be adequately mitigated by the use of a mini-bus.  Members were therefore minded to approve the application.


Members further debated the matter of the use of the dwelling and that a condition be imposed that permission be granted to the Applicant only, and that should the operation of the site as a school cease, that the dwelling to be restored to a residential use; the provision of a mini-bus for pupils to serve the development from the outset, together with any other relevant conditions and informatives as required.


RESOLVED that Planning Permission be granted, subject to relevant Conditions and Informatives as appropriate:

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