Agenda item

Summary of Applications £1,480 and Under


3rd Bromsgrove Evergreen Scouts – Replacement of existing boiler


The Chairman explained that the Panel would not usually consider more than one application from the same organisation unless they were clearly for separate projects (this was detailed in the NHB Community Grants Scheme document) and therefore asked the representative from the 3rd Bromsgrove Evergreen Scouts whether he wished Members to decide which one, if any to take forward, or whether he had a preferred option.  It was also noted that the number of applications received overall, far exceeded the funds available to the Panel for distribution.


In the circumstances the representative chose to put forward the application for the installation of new toilet facilities.


3rd Bromsgrove Evergreen Scouts – Installation of new toilet facilities


Members considered the application before them.


A representative from the 3rd Bromsgrove Evergreen Scouts attended the meeting.  Arising from Members questions the following responses were made:


·         It was confirmed that the land was owned by Bromsgrove District Council, with the building being entrusted to the Guides and Scouts in 1964, with the payment of a peppercorn rent.

·         The lease was currently being renegotiated, although there had been some problems with moving this forward.  (The Executive Director, Finance and Resources agreed to follow this up with the relevant officer.)

·         The overall cost of the three projects and the breakdown for the individual areas.  It was explained that if this work was done it would enable the other areas to be moved forward.  Work had been done on a number of fund raising events and the reintroduction of gift aid which would go towards the works.

·         The number of children on the waiting list – it was explained that this was done for the District as a whole and was no longer broken down into specific groups.


3rd Bromsgrove Evergreen Scouts – Replacement of existing boiler


See above.


Age UK – Men in Sheds


Jo Hughes a representative from Age UK attended the meeting and Members considered the application before them.  Arising from questions the following points were noted:


·         The aim was to make the project sustainable by growth and increase its availability.  Currently it was available 10 am to 2 pm Monday to Thursday.  The benefit of funding would be to expand this and to look at other opportunities.

·         There was a demand for the service from woman, it was explained that often the partner had passed away and had carried out much of the practical side of things and women were now looking for ways of being able to take on this work themselves.  The men who attended the group were keen to share their skills to enable this to move forward.

·         There was also the opportunity for inter-generational work and the project could become a good community asset.

·         Other funding streams that had been looked at included shed sponsorship, a small membership fee and the sale of a calendar.


Alvechurch Parish Council – Wiggin Memorial Playing Field Storage Unit


Andy Humphries and Tammy Williams from the Parish Council attended in support of this application.


Arising from questions the following responses were noted by the Panel:


·         As part of the Alvechurch Neighbourhood Plan the Parish Council had a Sports and Recreation Strategy. 

·         Improvements to the playing fields had been identified (Hopwood had been fortunate enough to received funds last year which had made a huge difference).

·         The availability of storage for groups who used the field, for example there was a number of well supported football teams, who needed somewhere to store goal posts. 

·         By providing storage facilities more groups could potentially make use of the playing field.

·         Planning permission was not required for the storage unit and the Parish Council would fund the balance.


The Lounge, Alvechurch – Mental Health Awareness for new come and talk sessions


Rachael Bestwick attended on behalf of the Lounge and provided background information as to the role of the Lounge in the village and the variety of activities it provided for all age groups.  Details of other funding streams were also provided.


Members considered the applications and discussed the following in more detail:


·         Whether any of the funds would be used towards any capital projects – it was confirmed that it would be used purely to deliver this service, which it was anticipated would last for 4-6 months.

·         Whether the number of people accessing the service was increasing.  Around 15 people per session on average, although this was dependent on the time of year.  There was often a boost in numbers in September when schools returned after the summer break.

·         It was noted that within the accounts provided, that employee numbers had gone down but there was an increase in costs.  It was explained that this was reflected in the activities provided and there was not so many volunteers and it was therefore more reliant on paid staff.


Finstall Village – Tarmac area outside main entrance hall


A representative from the Village Hall responded to questions from Members and confirmed the following:


·         The balance of the cost would be found from the Village Hall reserves.

·         It was confirmed that it was not currently suitable for access by those with a disability and the work would rectify this and also include a designated parking space for them.


Romsley Parish Council – Romsley Marl Hole Community Park


John Shaw, from the Parish Council attended in support of the application.


The following areas were addressed during discussions with Members of the Panel:


·         The site had in the past been a target for fly tipping but was in fact labelled as a nature reserve park.

·         The Parish Council had formulated a three year plan with a further five year plan to cover maintenance and up keep of the park.  This included a full break down of the costs.

·         The fly tipping would be cleared and fencing erected in the first instance.

·         The ownership of the site had been checked with the Council’s Legal Team and it was established that the park was what was known as common land.

·         The Parish Council would use reserves and monies from events such as the Romstock Festival to go towards the work.

·         Whether this would stop the fly tipping from re-occurring. The Council had helped the volunteers to clear the site and it was hoped that this would help to solve the problem.

·         The potential for residents from further afield visiting and benefitting from the park.

·         Car parking availability – there was limited parking and it was hoped that visitors would be encouraged to walk or cycle to the park.

·         Further details in respect of the park were available on the website.


South Bromsgrove High School – Keep our school litter free


The Chair of Governors attended to put forward the application.  It was noted that funds from the NHB Community Grants Scheme had funded an electronic scoreboard for the 3G pitch previously.


The Panel raised a number of questions with the applicant, including the following:


·         Who currently cleaned up the pitch and surrounding area and what happened over a weekend period.  It was confirmed that as it was a BAM PFI School, BAM would do this, but they did not always.  If this happened then the head of Sports often did it on a Monday morning.

·         Members questioned whether it had ever been left in such a state that it was not useable by the next booking.  The Chairman of Governors was not aware of this happening.

·         The cost of the bins and installation fee.


Wythall Parish and Residents – Defibrillator at Wythall Train Station


Margaret Dempsey, presented the application on behalf of the Parish Council and residents.


It was explained that this had come about following the tragic death of someone at the station, whose life could have been saved if there had been a defibrillator available.  The station was being used more and more and was unmanned.  It was confirmed that the Parish Council would maintain the defibrillator and permission had been given to locate it at the station.


Rubery Festival


The Chairman explained to Tony Maslen, the representative from the Rubery Festival that the Panel could only consider one application at any one time from an organisation and it appeared that these were three applications for the same project.  It was also noted that when these applications had been presented to the Panel in 2018/19 the Panel had requested that consideration be given to looking at alternative funding streams in order to make these events sustainable going forward.


It was explained that the Rubery Got Talent was a separate event, the winners of which were then given the opportunity to perform at the Festival itself.  The Volunteers Night Out was not just for the volunteers at the Rubery Festival but from other voluntary organisations throughout Rubery.


Mr Maslen suggested that if he had to pick one then it would be the Rubery Festival application.


Rubery Festival Committee – Volunteers Night Out


See above.


Rubery Got Talent


See above.


The Challenge Stroke Group – Day trip to Boars at Gloucester Canals


Tony Maslen attended to present this application and explained to Members that due to the funds from the Scheme last year a group of people who were not able to usually go out, had been taken to the Safari Park.  This provided respite to the carers.  He tried to raise other funds throughout the year to make this as sustainable as possible.


The Panel was assured that the appropriate health and safety checks were in place for these trips and medical staff were available.  The full cost was between £300-400.



Following presentation of the bids for under £1,480 Councillor Colella gave his apologies and left the meeting.




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