Agenda item

Overview & Scrutiny Board Transport Planning Review Final Report


In the absence of Councillor L. Mallett, the former Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Councillor M. Thompson, presented this report.  As he had not been involved in the detailed investigation he said he did not propose to go into detail, but was happy to propose the recommendations en bloc and invited any other Members who had been involved in the report to comment.  Councillor S. Colella seconded the recommendations.


The Leader asked that the recommendations be taken individual as detailed below:


Recommendation 1


a)    That Worcestershire County Council’s Highways Team consult with the relevant County Councillor, when consulted in respect of any planning applications. This should be done as a matter of course, as they may have more detailed local knowledge of a particular area. 

b)    BDC Members will continue to receive the weekly list of all planning applications.


This recommendation was noted.


Recommendation 2


That as part of the response to a planning application the Worcestershire County Council’s Highways Team should include a full breakdown of the costs of any infrastructure work which needs to be carried out and provide details of how this work would be funded.


This recommendation was noted.


Recommendation 3


That it is recognised that the relationships between Worcestershire County Council and this Council and its parish councils and residents has not been positive and that although the journey to improvement has begun,  the improvements to the culture and ways of working need to be ongoing  to ensure that the improvements continue.


This recommendation was noted.


Recommendation 4


That Worcestershire County Highways Team recognises that there is no “one size fits all” approach.  They should remain open minded and flexible in considering the approach to the analysis of planning applications before reaching any conclusions.


The Leader advised that it was not possible for this Council to agree recommendations relating directly to another authority and she assured Members that officers and the Cabinet would continue to work closely with the County Council to ensure that the lines of communication remained open and positive.


Recommendation 5


At the earliest possible stage of the Strategic Transport Assessment the Project Officers from Worcestershire County Council and this Council arrange a briefing for Members in order to provide details of the scope of the Strategic Transport Assessment, the process and relevant timelines.


New dates in respect of the Strategic Planning Steering Group would be circulated to Members and information in respect of the Strategic Transport Assessment would be channelled through this group.


Recommendation 6


That this Council is fully represented on the Project Team of the Strategic Transport Assessment to be undertaken, by both officer and Member representation.


The Council was already represented at these meetings by the Head of Planning and Regeneration and the Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager.


Recommendation 7


That, throughout the process of the Strategic Transport Assessment, the Strategic Planning Steering Group holds regular meetings dedicated to this with representatives of Worcestershire County Council in attendance, in order to provide updates and listen and taken on board the views of this Council’s Members.


The Leader confirmed that this was the existing forum for communicating strategic planning matters and had been for some time.


Recommendation 8


That the Overview and Scrutiny Board recognises the current need for the additional transport support from Mott MacDonald.  However it requests that the Leader and Cabinet make every effort to seek re-imbursement of those costs from Worcestershire County Council.


This recommendation was noted.


Recommendation 9


That the Overview and Scrutiny Board formally writes to the Chairman of the Worcestershire Overview and Scrutiny Performance Board requesting that the report be included on its agenda for future consideration to ensure that Members and Officers at Worcestershire County Council are aware of the issues and concerns of this Council.


This recommendation was noted.


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Board Transport Planning Review Report be noted.

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