Agenda item

Questions on Notice

To deal with any questions on notice from Members of the Council, in the order in which they have been received.


A period of up to 15 minutes is allocated for the asking and answering of questions.  This may be extended at the discretion of the Chairman with the agreement of the majority of those present.



Question submitted by Councillor M. Thompson


“There has been an increase in drivers using areas of the town as race tracks. Will the leader - or the appropriate portfolio holder - raise this as an issue at the next meeting of Safer Bromsgrove. Nothing - not even time - can heal the wounds made by dangerous drivers and I hope he will support me in this endeavour.”


The Leader responded that this matter would be raised at the next meeting of Safer Bromsgrove and he would support Councillor Thompson in this endeavour.


Questions submitted by Councillor M. Buxton


“The hoarding around the Market Hall is an increasingly unattractive view in the town.  If work is not going to start on this site any time soon could the Council consider improving the look of the area by organising an Art competition for local Schools to paint the hoardings and brighten the area?”


Councillor K. May, the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, the Town Centre and Strategic Partnerships responded to Councillor Buxton’s question.  In so doing she took the opportunity to say she had enjoyed working with Councillor Buxton and advised that the current agreement in respect of this site was coming to an end and she was looking at a number of improvements to the area including ‘meanwhile’ use of the site in order to brighten up the area.


Question submitted by Councillor S. Baxter


“Following the lengthy debate at the last Council meeting on litter picking which highlighted the effort that our community volunteers put into trying to keep our streets clean and tidy, I was very pleased to see that Bromsgrove has been awarded a Government ‘Clean up our high street’ grant of £17,108.


According to the government press release:


‘Councils in partnership with existing community groups will be able to use this one-off funding to support volunteers. They will be able to buy tools such as litter pickers, gloves and brushes and provide training for residents on how to remove graffiti or tackle fly-tipping, as well as organise events to encourage more families to get involved’.


Please can the portfolio confirm that this money will be spent on items as described above to support the work of our community groups and that the ‘Adopt An Area To Keep Bromsgrove Tidy’ scheme is being funded separately to recognise the work that they do.”


Councillor M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing and Environmental Services responded to Councillor Baxter’s question and advised Members that the Adopt an Area scheme was being funded from existing budgets and proposals were being drawn up in respect of projects to be funded by the Government Grant.


Question submitted by Councillor S. Webb


“Please could the leader give an update on Bromsgrove’s position regarding libraries following a request for assistance from Worcestershire County Council.


The Leader had been advised by the County Council that there were no libraries within Bromsgrove District that were under fear of closure in the next financial year (2019/20).


Notwithstanding this his aim was to keep all the libraries in the District open and the Council would be looking to work with County Council colleagues to fully assess the opportunities afforded by these facilities in the provision of services to the District.  Any proposals would need to be the subject of business cases which would enable Members to consider any financial impact as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2020/21.


The Council was fully committed to supporting the library service and would welcome consideration of this later in the year.