Agenda item

To receive and consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Health and Well Being and Environmental Services

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.



Councillor M. Sherrey, the Portfolio Holder for Health and Well Being and Environmental Services advised Members that she did not intend to present her report in detail, but was happy to respond to questions and would take the report page by page.


Members discussed a number of areas within the report in detail and raised the following questions:


·         Whether the Portfolio Holder felt that the Council was taking its role as Corporate Parenting role seriously enough and whether training should be made mandatory.  Councillor Sherrey was in agreement with this and highlighted that training had been arranged but there had been a very disappointing attendance at these sessions.

·         The income made from the Lifeline service and whether this was appropriate or should the cost of the service be reduced.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that any surplus made from the scheme was reinvested in the service.

·         Whether the income made was solely from the Cannock Chase contract and whether the amount detailed was the overall income or just the portion for this Council.

·         In respect of the section on young people, Members felt it would have been more useful to have received more data and outcomes of the services referred to in order to ensure that they were being of benefit to all concerned.

·         Members were disappointed that there was no reference to the good work that was being carried out by a number of parishes in respect of dementia friendly communities.  It was acknowledged that much of this work was being carried out by volunteers.

·         The accessibility of the new leisure centre by the more vulnerable groups and whether this was acceptable.

·         Whether there should have been reference to the failing services at Worcestershire County Council and this being the reason why there had been changes to the services detailed in the report.  Particular reference was made to the Adult Social Care Services and the services provided for young people.

·         No mention of sustainable travel, air quality or the grant for electric charging points – it was noted that air quality came under the portfolio of Councillor P. Whittaker.

·         Whether electric charging points would be made available in all car parks in order to encourage residents to choose sustainable modes of transport.  Councillor Sherrey confirmed that this was at the early stages but she was hopeful that they would be rolled out to car parks as a later date.

·         Councillors C. Bloore and L. Mallett shared their disappointment that there was no reference to holiday hunger or the Active Kitchen scheme, which had been discussed at a previous Council meeting, or the causes of this, including the changes to the benefit system.

·         Data in respect of those that attended the Active Kitchen sessions.  Councillor Bloore advised Members that this scheme had been well publicised and the relevant Portfolio Holders had been quoted in the local press about the scheme.  He felt that this should have been included within the report as it had an important role to play in the work of this Council.

·         The role Members’ played on the Children and Families Scrutiny Board at Worcestershire County Council and whether this was effective.

·         The role of a Portfolio Holder and the work they were expected to carry out, including the presenting of these reports, which was an opportunity for other Members to hold the Portfolio Holders to account.

·         The support Portfolio Holders received from officers.

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