Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Leader


The Leader advised that he had three announcements:


1.    The Leader had received a reply to his letter to the Heath Minister, which had arisen from the Overview and Scrutiny Board’s investigation into Hospital Car Parking Charges.  He had received the letter on 31st December, although it was dated 14th December.  The letter outlined the reasonings behind the charges and relevant acts but did not address the affordability question.  He had therefore drafted a response:


“Thank you for your letter dated 14th December in response to the issues I raised regarding the cost of hospital car parking at Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust.


Whilst I note the explanation you have provided, the Overview and Scrutiny Task Group on hospital Car Parking Fees carried out its investigation one of the main findings was around affordability in light of the high level of fees charged.  I can only re-iterate on behalf of the Council that the problems with affordability of hospital car parking charges represent a genuine source of concern for our local residents.  I understand that this is a concern that affects many other areas of the country and it is disappointing that the current guidance has not been updated since 2015.


Accordingly, I wold ask again that this issue be considered, and that an urgent review is undertaken of the current guidance with a view to either eliminating, or significantly reducing the level of charges for hospital car parking.”


The Leader advised that he intended to dispatch the letter by the end of the week and would be sending a copy to the Council’s MP.


2.    In respect of the Highways Review the Leader was pleased to report that progress was being made in dealing with County Highways.  At a meeting before the Christmas break he had met with the Leader of Worcestershire County Council (WCC) and the Chief Executive together with other relevant officers.  The outcome had been their agreement to carry out a Strategic Traffic Assessment in the North of the County with immediate effect.  He highlighted that signs of recording were already being seen and that this was a positive start.  Councillor K. May had reported that the Worcestershire LEP were also supportive of this.


The Leader considered this to be a positive first step and there was a follow up meeting planned for 25th January, after which he would ask Officers to do a briefing note for circulation to Cabinet, Group Leaders and the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board.


3.    The Leader advised that there would be no Portfolio Holder update at this Council meeting.  He explained that he had made the decision and notified the Group Leaders, so that as part of the rescheduled report Members could be provided with a position statement regarding the future management arrangements in delivering leisure and cultural services in Bromsgrove.  This was following the current Head of Leisure and Cultural Services taking up a new role as Managing Director of Rubicon Leisure.  The Leader took the opportunity, on behalf of all Members, to wish the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services well in his new role.


Councillor L. Mallett thanked the Leader for the update in respect of the Highways Review and asked that the Leader included within his discussions the request that WCC repaid the Council for the cost of the additional work carried out by Mott McDonald in respect of the ongoing issues.  He reminded Members that the Overview and Scrutiny Board had also met with officers from WCC and had struggle to get responses to a number of questions and hoped that the Leader was more successful.  It was important that the Council was involved in Strategic Traffic Assessment to ensure that any conclusions from it met the needs of the District.  As the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Councillor Mallett said he would be happy to attend any future meeting if the Leader thought it would be helpful.  He also raised the question as to whether the “Western Relief Road” would form part of those discussions and the Leader advised that he was not aware of this at the moment.


A number of further comments were made by Members following the Leader’s announcement, these included:


·         Whether an update in respect of the Highways Review should have been provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Board as they had been asked to investigate this matter by Council.

·         The lack of a Portfolio Holder report and whether this was a breach of the Constitution, as it was the responsibility of the Portfolio Holder and the changes referred to should not impact on the relevant Member being able to provide an update.

·         The Special Responsibility Allowances paid to Portfolio Holders and the work carried out in respect of this position.

·         The Alvechurch Neighbourhood Plan – Councillor K. Van der Plank took the opportunity to congratulate all those involved and the residents who had attended the recent referendum.  Councillor C. Hotham also took the opportunity to thank the Strategic Planning Manager and his Team for the support they had provided to the Parish Council in preparing the Plan.