Agenda item

Activity and Performance Data Quarter 1


The Board considered a report that detailed Worcestershire Regulatory Services Activity and Performance Data for Quarter 1, 2018/2019.


The Business and Relationships Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) asked Members to note that the information provided was for Quarter 1 and not Quarter 4, this was an error in the report.


The Business and Relationships Manager, WRS, continued and informed Members that the number of dogs seized had increased in Quarter 1, however, only at levels in line with the same period in previous years.  The number of dog related complaints in this quarter was below the level in the same period in the last two years.  It was hoped that this was a reflection of the work carried out to educate dog owners through publicity and that this trend would continue.


Food complaints / service requests started low in April but soon climbed to the normal levels expected for this time of year.  Inspection numbers were slightly down for the period due to the range of other work being carried out.  This would be picked up later in the year.


Health and safety enquiries and complaints / service requests remained at or were below the same period in the previous two years.  However, the number of workplace accidents reported on the RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013) system was slightly higher for Quarter 1 than for the same period in previous years.


There was a large peak in information requests in May, mainly under Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  This had stretched management capacity in responding to them within the required deadline.  Fortunately the number of requests had fallen to normal levels in June.


Data on licensing complaints / service requests and application was now showing distinct seasonal patterns and Quarter 1 followed that trend.


The number of requests for support from planning colleagues was up in Quarter 1 which suggested an increase in activity compared to last year.  In all of the three months the numbers of requests were above the level for 2017/2018 and June hit the same level as the peak in 2016/2017.


Nuisance complaints were on trend for Quarter 1 with no obvious unusual peaks. 


The Business and Relationships Manager, WRS, drew Members’ attention to the way in which data about noise complaints from wards was now being presented to the Board.  A slightly different approach had been taken with officers looking at the rate of complaint in relation to ward population.  Therefore, a smaller ward with a high rate of complaints from its residents was more likely to feature, as detailed on page 39 of the main agenda pack.


The number of sick days per staff members was 3.55 days per Full Time Equilivant (FTE) which was higher than hoped for, but reflected the information reported last year in relation to several staff members having planned surgery.  All of whom had now returned to work and managers were hoping to see less of an increase in Quarter 2.


The proportion of broadly compliant food businesses in Quarter 1 was 98.2%. Those with a Food Hygiene Rating score of 0-2 stars was 1.8% for Quarter 1.


The proportion of driver licenses for hackney carriage and private hire renewed within five working days of full application during Quarter 1 was 86.6%.


Only 6 corporate complaints were received in Quarter 1.  These were mainly about issues with dogs, as against 22 compliments being received in the same quarter.


The rate of noise complaints per 1000 head of population was 0.88 for Quarter 1.  The yearly average was between 3 and 4 and the busiest period was during the summer months, so this felt like a fairly normal position for this stage in the year. 


The proportion of licensed premises alleged to be non-complaint with the four licensing objectives was 2.6%. The annual average was 5 - 8%. 


A district by district breakdown for the last two measures, as detailed above would be provided to Members at the end of Quarter 2.


The Chairman and Members thanked the Business and Relationships Manager, WRS, and commented that it was an excellent report.


RESOLVEDthat the Activity and Performance Data report for Quarter 1, 2018/2019 be noted.



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