Agenda item

18/00185/FUL & 18/100186/LBC - Conversion of existing outbuildings to form no.1 bedroom dwellings and a home office for one of the proposed dwellings - Land rear of 37 Nash Lane, Belbroughton


Officers clarified that the Applications had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor M. A. Sherrey, Ward Member.


In order to facilitate Officer’s presentations and public speaking representations, the two Applications were discussed together.  It was reported, however, that for purposes of clarity the Committee’s decisions on the two Applications would be recorded separately in the formal minutes of the meeting.


Officers reported that the Applications were for planning permission and listed building consent.  In considering whether to grant listed building consent Members should have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possessed.   Officers drew Members’ attention to the full comments received from Councillor M. A. Sherrey, Ward Member and the reasons for Councillor M. A. Sherrey requesting that the Applications be called into Planning Committee, and representations received from some of the owners of the site regarding the certificate of ownership process of the Applications.


Officers clarified that although the site had been described as to the rear of 37 Nash Close, the site and the outbuildings within it did until recently relate to the outbuildings to 3 High Street.  3 High Street, Belbroughton, was a Grade II listed building.  The outbuildings were used as ancillary accommodation to the butchers and 3 High Street for a long period of time.


In respect of the conversion works to the outbuildings, Green Belt policy supported the re-use of buildings provided that the buildings were of permanent and substantial construction.


The proposed conversion would result in new windows being inserted into some of the existing openings within the buildings that were proposed to be converted, as detailed on page 49 of the main agenda pack.


Members were further informed that the Conservation Officer had no conservation objection.  However, a large number of objections had been received, 71 objections to the Full Planning Application and 69 with regard to the listed building consent application.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Ms. S. Horne (on behalf of Mrs. J. Brown) and Mr. B. Robinson addressed the Committee in objection to the Applications.  Mr. N. Brown, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Committee on behalf of the Applicant.  Councillor M. A. Sherrey, Ward Member, also addressed the Committee.


The Committee then considered both Applications, which officers, had recommended for approval. Having considered the Officer’s report and all of the public speakers’ representations, Members were of the view that with regard to Planning Application 18/00185/FUL, the size of the dwellings would be insufficient in surface area and therefore too small for one bedroom dwellings. 


During the discussion Members commented that the recent Committee site visit, undertaken in respect of both Applications had proved very useful.  The site had some interesting pretty buildings which needed to be preserved.  However, the buildings were too small to be converted into one bedroom dwellings.


Members also considered that the design and layout of the site would result in an insufficient provision of external amenity space for the future occupiers of the proposed dwellings.


Members were therefore minded to refuse the Planning Application.


Further discussion followed on the Listed Building Consent (LBC) Application. 


Following some misunderstanding and with the agreement of the Chairman, Officers clarified that in considering whether to grant LBC, Members should have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possessed.


Following on from this, Members were minded to approve the Listed Building Consent Application.




1)    Planning Permission be refused for the reasons detailed below:


(1)  The proposal, by reason of the size of the internal living space within Building 1, would result in a cramped development which would fail to provide sufficient functional living space for the future occupiers of building 1, contrary to policy BDP19.M of the Bromsgrove District Plan adopted January 2017 and the NPPF (2018);


(2)  The proposal, by reason of the design and layout of the site, would result in an insufficient provision of external amenity space for the future occupiers of the proposed dwellings, contrary to policy BDP19.M of the Bromsgrove District Plan adopted January 2017, SPG1 – Residential Design Guide adopted January 2004 and the NPPF (2018).




2)    Listed Building Consent be granted, subject to the Conditions and Informatives as detailed on pages 56 to 59 of the main agenda pack.

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