Agenda item

Recommendations from the Cabinet

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 5th September 2018.


Bromsgrove District Plan – Issues and Options Consultation


The recommendations from Cabinet in respect of the Bromsgrove District Plan, Issues and Options Consultation were proposed by Councillor C. B. Taylor and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Taylor took the opportunity to thank Officers for their hard work, together with those Members who had attended the Strategic Planning Steering Group meetings which had helped to form the document being considered.  He reminded Members that at this stage this was a review of the District Plan Issues and Options consultation and not a policy document, but merely the start of the process.  It was an opportunity for all residents to put forward their views and steer the next stage.


The following areas were discussed:


·         Whether the questionnaire would be available in a prominent place on the Council’s website.  Councillor Taylor assured Members that he would ensure that this could be easily found and that hard copies would be available in all libraries throughout the District.

·         Reference was made to the housing need of Redditch Borough Council (RBC) being re-calculated, which appeared to have reduced the number of houses that was needed.  It was therefore questioned whether the site at Foxlydiate which had been agreed as the Redditch overspill could be put to one side and used to meet this Council’s housing needs. 

·         Councillor Taylor highlighted that under Option 8 within the consultation document there was the option for residents to comment on this matter and asked everyone to encourage residents to respond.




a)    that the Council publishes the  BDP Review, Issues and Options documentation for the purposes of public consultation, between 24th September and 19th November 2018 inclusive.


The content being

The BDP review Issues and Options Report (Appendix A)

The draft Green Belt Purposes Assessment Methodology (Appendix B)

The draft Site Selection Methodology (Appendix C)

The Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix D)


b)    that delegated authority is given to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, to make any minor technical corrections and editorial changes deemed necessary to aid the understanding of the Issues and Options report prior to final publishing.


Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 – Implementation of Provisions


The recommendations from Cabinet in respect of the Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 – Implementation of Provisions were proposed by Councillor P. J. Whittaker and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Whittaker explained that the report detailed the provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014, specifically highlighting amendments and recommendations made in the updated Home Office statutory guidance which had been released in December 2017.


The report detailed any key changes to the tools and powers made available under the 2014 Act and it also made recommendations regarding delegations to key service areas which would allow the provisions within the Act to be used to maximum effect.


Councillor Whittaker suggested that the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) provision would be of particular interest to Members.  This power sat solely with the District Council and allowed restrictions and positive requirements to be put in place in public and open spaces.  Due to inconsistencies in implementation across areas nationally and a number of legal challenges across the country, the Home Office guidance provided a number of updates and recommendations on this particular power in order to clarify how it should be used. 


Among the updates was confirmation that the decision to implement a PSPO should be made by Cabinet/Council rather than delegated to officers, to ensure openness and transparency.  Members were advised that Bromsgrove currently had 22 PSPOs which transitioned from DPPOs in October 2017.  These orders all relate to restrictions on alcohol related ASB and would need to be reviewed by October 2020 otherwise they would lapse. 


The following areas were discussed:


·         Councillor Hotham commented that he believed the powers would benefit the District and residents.  He had already been involved in the first “trigger” and praised the officers for their work and support.

·         It was believed that Members should always be involved in issues within their ward, although it was confirmed that there were occasions when this would not be possible due to a number of issues including data protection regulations.




a)        that the powers available to the Council under the Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, along with the updated Guidance issued in Dec 2017 are noted; and

b)        that the Council’s Scheme of Delegation is amended, in accordance with recommendations outlined in Section 3.6 of this report, to allow relevant officers to apply these tools and powers, with the inclusion of “in consultation with the Ward Councillor, where appropriate.”


Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19


The recommendations from Cabinet in respect of the Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19 Report were proposed by Councillor B. T. Cooper and seconded by Councillor G. Denaro.


Councillor Cooper advised Members that this report outlined the Council’s financial position at the end of quarter 1 in July 2018. It was very early in the financial year to draw any conclusions but he did comment that the Council seemed to be on target to achieve a modest underspend for the year as a whole.  However, there were three accounting issues that needed Council’s approval, none of which impacted on the Council’s overall budget position.


Firstly, Cabinet was seeking approval for an increase in the 2018/19 capital programme of £21k for S106 funding, to be used for outdoor fitness equipment and artwork at Sanders Park. This would join the existing budget already approved in 2017/18.


Members were reminded that at last November’s Council meeting, it had been agreed that virements over £40,000 should go to Cabinet and then to Council for final approval. Therefore, the Cabinet was now asking Council to recommend two virements.  Councillor Cooper explained that BDHT used to invoice the Council separately for things such as Homeless temporary accommodation management, Housing waiting list and allocations, and homeless medical assessments. The Council’s contract with BDHT had been renegotiated so that now BDHT sent one invoice instead of four. The sum budgeted for these services was £101k. This would amalgamate all such budgets into the General homelessness budget. The Cabinet was seeking approval for the virement of the £101k into one budget for general homelessness.


With regard to the second virement the Council provided the Citizens Advice Bureau with two grants, one for housing advice of £41k and one for general advice of £87k. The Council wished to amalgamate the two grants into one budget line.  Cabinet was seeking approval for the virement of £41k for housing advice to the general advice budget.


Following presentation of the report Members queried whether the transfer of S106 monies for Sanders Park was from developments within the ward or from other wards within the District.  The concern was that much needed funds were being diverted to other wards. Councillor Cooper agreed to provide a response to this outside of the meeting.




a)         that an increase in the 2018-19 Capital Programme of £21k for S106 funding to be used for outdoor fitness equipment and artwork at Sanders Park. This is to be added to the existing budget already approved in 2017/18 and carried forward into 2018/19 be approved;

b)         that the virement of £101k from separate identified housing revenue budgets to be amalgamated into a single budget allocation, as a result of the renegotiation of the Housing contract with BDHT be approved; and

c)          that the virement of £41k for budgets relating to housing advice provided by the Citizens Advice  Bromsgrove and Redditch (CABR). This virement is requested to consolidate existing budgets into a single budget allocation be approved. 


Supporting documents: