Agenda item

Transport Planning Report

A draft outline of the suggested report is attached for Members consideration, together with extracts from Board minutes at which the topic has been discussed.


Members are asked to consider whether they wish to amend this outline report in anyway.




The Chairman introduced this item and reminded Members that following a number of meeting where this had been discussed, the Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager had been tasked with providing an outline of the areas to be included within this report in order for Members to have a starting point for further discussion.


The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager explained that the headings gave a view of the current position and a number of key areas.  He had spoken to Mott Macdonald in respect of the Western Distributor Road who were prepared to respond with some high level recommendations.  It was also suggested that Members may wish to include comments provided by community groups such as the Whitford Voice.


Following receipt of the report Members raised a number of areas which were discussed in more detail:


·         The cost of the work carried out by Mott Macdonald in respect of the Western Distributor Road – it was confirm that the initial work would be carried out within the existing contract with them.  This would be a high level report which they could prepare in 2-3 weeks and was likely to cost £1ks rather than £10ks.

·         Who was paying for the extra costs incurred and whether this should be included within the report.  It was understood that the Council would seek reimbursement from Worcestershire County Council (WCC).  It was confirmed that this was the case; however the cost of the work in respect of the Western Distributor Road may not fall within the scope of this.  It was important to highlight to and reassure residents that every effort was being made to recover these costs.

·         It was confirmed that a letter had been sent to WCC on 10th March requesting this reimbursement and the Leader further confirmed that he had also been dealing with this matter.

·         The two previous traffic counts which had been carried out and the accuracy of the predictions within those.  It was important that as accurate data as possible was produced in order to carry out future projections.  It was noted that from the previous data a suggested reduction in traffic was predicted, when in fact an increase of an estimated 7% had been shown.

·         It was important that the Council was able to show the expected traffic counts in 2030 and 2040 in order to be able to see the impact on the roads within the District, particular in light of the potential impact of future housing needs.

·         Concerns were raised that the current data collection process was not accurate but that there was new technology which would change how this modelling was carried out.  Investigation of modelling should therefore be included within the report.

·         Members shared their disappointment at the responses received from WCC after it was made very clear that both Members and residents were greatly concerned at the ever increasing congestion in the District due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure.

·         The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager highlighted that the review of the Local Plan would include the evidence base to support infrastructure improvements.  It was important that this was pro-active rather than re-active.

·         Concerns were raised as to how the proposed A38 major improvement scheme would reduce the current gridlock.  A number of areas which may be included within this were highlighted as issues of concern, for example the widening of the road which would entail the removal of sound barriers and greenery.

·         The response from WCC to the areas which had been raised and to planning matters generally in the past. 

·         Sites in the local plan which had been turned down by BDC Members on infrastructure grounds and concerns that they will take the same stance around the A38 despite concerns from local Members.  Members were concerned that people were making decision without having a full understanding of the area or the residents who that decision impacted on.

·         It was important that the report covered the real concerns of the residents.

·         It needed to be highlighted that Bromsgrove did not have sufficient housing, which would mean further growth in the near future and that there was a lack of infrastructure to support itself currently and in the future.

·         The impact of the suggestion from WCC of “licensing” vehicles to enter the town centre – particularly on the economic development of it.

·         The inclusion of detail around air quality and the issues which were discussed at the previous meeting with Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) Officers, particularly around what weight it was felt was given to air quality matters.

·         The importance of continue air quality testing and for the results to be brought back to the Board.  Concerns were again raised in particular with reference to where the tests were carried out and the time of day they were taken.  It was accepted that these were overall averages but, Members felt that there were particular areas and times of day when these needed to be tested to show the impact.

·         It was noted that Cabinet had agreed to consider further testing once they have received more detailed costings in respect of the more sophisticated monitoring equipment that had been referred to.

·         Whether the outsourcing of the services provided by WRS and the constant requests from the partners to reduce the costs impacted on their ability to provide those services.

·         The need to ensure that transport policies particularly in respect of public transport, were fit for purpose and that the appropriate investments are made to address the needs identified within them.


The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager confirmed that he would now take away all the ideas that Members had put forward and contact the relevant officers to come up with a suitable report which looked to the future.  He advised that he may not be able to get responses to everything that had been discussed but he would bring forward a draft report to a future meeting.  Members were keen to ensure that the Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager received the appropriate support and advised that if necessary those Members that were also WCC County Councillors could speak to the relevant portfolio holder or officers.


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager for his continued help and support in this matter.

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