Agenda item

Air Quality Management Area, Kidderminster Road, Hagley - Pre-scrutiny of Cabinet Report


The Technical Services Manager, Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS), provided a brief overview of the report, highlighting in particular that the levels being monitored were below the national objective and under DEFRA guidelines if this was the case for the previous 3 years then it was sufficient to trigger revocation of the AQMA and that WRS would continue to monitor the air quality within the area.


Members raised a number of concerns following receipt of the report and in particular discussed the following areas in more detail:


·         Concerns that the revocation of the AQMA was not the result of management of the AQMA and that no additional work had been put in place that would impact on the levels.

·         The calculations which were used to reach the mean average and whether these gave a true picture of the air quality in the area of the AQMA.

·         Whether the monitoring was in the appropriate places and an increase in traffic, with an emerging problem from increased congestion and standing traffic.

·         The equipment being used and whether there was more sensitive equipment available, as this would give a more accurate reading and picture of the air quality.


WRS Officers responded to the questions raised and reiterated that the levels recorded and the equipment used was within the guidelines set down by DEFRA and that monitoring would continue following revocation of the AQMA.  More sophisticated monitoring could be carried out which would provide real time analysis of air pollution, however it was not seen as being cost effective, nitrogen dioxide monitoring equipment was £60k for one monitor, with a further £20k for nitrogen dioxide, with between £10-15k for on costs and maintenance.  If such monitoring was to take place then consideration should be given as to whether it was appropriate in all AQMA locations and how this would be funded.


The Technical Services Manager highlighted that if the AQMA was not revoked then it would be going against the DEFRA guidelines.  His team would also continue to engage with Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Highways team to ensure the best outcomes in the future within the District.  There had only been 5 cases of exceedances in a 6 year period and these were not significantly above the accepted level and that the current levels were very low.


Following further discussion Members raised the following points:


·         Concerns around the mechanism in place for monitoring in all part of Bromsgrove as it was noted that the traffic within the town centre Worcester Road are had been particularly bad and there was a higher density of buildings around there, but within 2 hours it could be clear of traffic, which would give a false reading in respect of monitoring at certain times.

·         The national average which was not to be exceeded with health based and the primary issue of concern.  It was confirmed by WRS Officers that the average in the AQMA under discussion was not meeting the hourly average under DEFRA guidelines.

·         Whether the monitoring sites were appropriate – it was noted that these were usually on a downpipe of a house.  However, the exposure that pedestrians would be subject too would suggest that monitoring should take place on telegraph poles along the road side.

·         The impact on those that walked or cycled – particular as part of the health and wellbeing agenda was to encourage this type of activity.

·         CCG figures which showed a problem with chest complaints – there appeared to be a conflict between those figures and the information provided.

·         The Technical Services Manager, WRS confirmed to Members that his team continued to lobby all other relevant agencies, including WCC Highways to ensure that air quality was a consideration in decision made.




a)    that Worcestershire Regulatory Services reverse the proposal to revoke the Hagley AQMA;

b)    that the Council invest in sensitive and appropriate monitoring equipment in all of its AQMAs;

c)    that the Council carries out voluntarily monitor for Particulate Matter as its duty as the responsible authority;

d)    that the Council increase the AQ monitoring points in Hagley from Stakenbridge Lane to the B4187 (Worcester Rd junction); and

e)    that Worcestershire Regulatory Services engages fully and positively with Worcestershire County Council Highways to resolve known local Highways issues that exist along AQMAs and adjoining carriageways that effect air quality and health.

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