Agenda item

Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19


The recommendation in respect of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2018/19 was proposed by Councillor B. T. Cooper and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro.


Councillor Cooper reminded Members that this report had been deferred from the previous meeting and was brought back with additional information as requested.  There was no change to the Scheme for 2018/19 and as detailed within the report it was proposed that a review would be carried out on the implementation of the Hardship Fund.


During the debate which followed Members raised a number of areas which were discussed in more detail, this included:


·         The consultation which took place following inception of the scheme in 2013, which was not specifically targeted at those that were affected by the changes.

·         The lack of detail within the report and the need for it to include what steps were being taken to mitigate the impact on the most vulnerable.

·         The report should contain more detail around those that have been prosecuted or where legal action had been taken.

·         The comprehensive review that would be undertaken to which all precepting authorities will be invited to participate, when it was anticipated that some of the concerns raised would be addressed.

·         It was highlighted that these concerns had been raised in previous years and not addressed.

·         The need for all preceptors to take part in the consultation and agree to any changes that followed from it.

·         The understanding that a decision needed to be made at this meeting.

·         The reduction in the Council Tax Support from 100% to 80%.

·         The inability to make changes without a consultation taking place.

·         The lack of commitment for the review to be carried out and the assurance that this would be brought to the September Council meeting.

·         Support which was provided through the Hardship Fund and if Members had concerns about particular residents then to contact the relevant officers to ensure that they were receiving the support that was needed.


Councillor C. J. Bloore proposed an amendment that the report be deferred until the consultation had been completed and if necessary a special Council meeting could be called to consider the matter and requested a named vote.  The amendment was seconded by Councillor L. C. R. Mallett.


It was explained that there was not sufficient time for a meaningful consultation to take place as a decision needed to be made by 31st January 2018.  Councillor Van der Plank suggested that as there was already a Hardship Fund in place then the Council should increase the funds available within it in the interim.  It was requested that the additional funding be equivalent to 5% of the council tax support scheme.  This would equate to approximately £80K to be used for additional hardship cases. It was confirmed that Worcestershire County Council would not agree to review the scheme this year and as had previously been explained a review could not take place without the agreement of all preceptors.    It was discussed how this should have been something which had been considered by the Council at an earlier stage in order for them to influence the overall decision, as it now appeared that there was no opportunity to do so until 2019. 


For the recommendation Councillors Baxter, Bloore, Buxton, Colella, Hotham, Jenkins, Mallett, Peter McDonald, Christine McDonald, Shannon, Thompson, Turner and Van der Plank (13).


Against the recommendation Councillors Allen-Jones, Cooper, Deeming, Denaro, Dent, Glass, Griffiths, Laight, May, Sherrey, Taylor, Thomas, Mike Webb, Shirley Webb and Whittaker (15).


Abstentions Councillor Peters (1).


The Chairman declared the amendment to be lost and agreed to a short adjournment.


Following the adjournment Councillor Denaro proposed an amendment to the recommendations, which was seconded by Councillor Bloore.  The following points were clarified prior to this being put to the vote:


·         The estimated cost to the Council – this was £80k.

·         This proposal had been put forward by Councillor Van der Plank.




a)    that no changes are made to the Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018/19;


b)    that the equivalent of a 5% increase in Council Tax Support be added to the Hardship Fund in the 2018/19 budget proposals; and


c)    that a review is commenced immediately to be concluded by September 2018 and at that time a draft scheme, to include an in principle 5% increase in support be consulted upon.

Supporting documents: