Agenda item

Provision by Bromsgrove DC of a Garden Waste Service on behalf of Redditch BC (Further Report)


The recommendations in respect of the Operation by Bromsgrove District Council of a Garden Waste Service on behalf of Redditch Borough Council was proposed by Councillor P. J. Whittaker and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro.


Councillor Whittaker, as Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, introduced the item and reminded Members that this had been brought before the previous Council but further information had been requested before a decision was made.  An addendum to the report was attached which provided a summary of the costs and income for the service.  It was confirmed that this included the contribution towards overheads, included such things as ICT, Human Resources and the pension deficit.   This gave an “under recovery” figure of £72k.  A similar summary had been attached in respect of Redditch Borough Council (RBC) which, based on an estimated 3,000 bins, gave an overall under recovery of £12k but would contribute towards the Council’s overheads by £18k.  The important factor was that if agreement was reached to deliver this service it provided the opportunity to maintain the existing charge of £45 rather than increase it for 2019/20.


Following presentation of the report Members discussed a number of areas in more detail including:


·         If the Council did not provide the service the authority would not incur £30k of overheads.

·         The impact of providing the service on the Council vehicles, as there appeared to be no charge for this within the figures for RBC.

·         The potential to make the service more profitable for the Council.

·         The need to ensure that the service was run in a business-like manner.

·         The necessity of ensuring that RBC paid the appropriate amount for the service.

·         The risks associated with it and the potential need for additional staff or the hiring of vehicles to operate the service and the impact on the service for Bromsgrove residents.

·         Difficulties in understanding the figures provided within the report and the need for officers to be better equipped in writing business cases in the future.

·         The impact on the service of new homes being built which might change the availability of staff to provide the service.

·         The possibility that whilst the Council had capacity to provide this service at the moment, this may not always be the case.

·         A commitment to provide a waste service at an affordable price to residents.

·         Whether the business case met with the Council’s procurement regulations – the Monitoring Officer confirmed that this was not a commercial operation and had been calculated on a cost recovery basis.

·         How the service would be monitored and whether it would be reviewed to ensure it did not impact on the service provided to the residents of Bromsgrove.


Following the discussions Councillor Whittaker, as the relevant Portfolio Holder, agreed that he was happy to take on board and discuss with officers the points and concerns which had been raised and consider reviewing the scheme following its implementation.


The Chairman agreed to a short adjournment, following which the amended recommendation was put to the vote and carried.


RESOLVED that the Council provide a Garden Waste Service to Redditch Borough Council as outlined in the report to Council dated 20th September 2017, to be reviewed 12 months following the implementation of the service.

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